"Il" Quotes from Famous Books
... provinces of the Low Countries remained under the Spanish rule and in the Catholic faith, Dutch painters painted like Belgian painters; they studied in Belgium, Germany, and Italy; Heemskerk imitated Michael Angelo; Bloemart followed Correggio, and "Il Moro" copied Titian, not to indicate others; and they were one and all pedantic imitators, who added to the exaggerations of the Italian style a certain German coarseness, the result of which was a bastard style of painting, still inferior ... — Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 4 (of 10) • Various
... that dry bed, with many a twist and turn, he painfully limped his way. At last he found himself in a snug and safe ditch, precisely like a front line trench seven feet wide, with perpendicular walls and zig- zagging so persistently that the de'il himself could not find him save by following him up to close quarters, and landing upon his horns. There, without food or water, the wounded animal would stand for many days,—in fact, until hunger would force him back to the valley's crop of grass. His ... — The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals • William T. Hornaday
... results of not taking their own good advice. "Many an ingrate is less to blame than his benefactor." One might add, at least I will, "Every man who looks for gratitude deserves to get none of it." "To say that one never flirts—is flirting." I rather like the old translator's version of "Il y a de bons mariages; mais il n'y en a point de delicieux"—"Marriage is sometimes ... — Letters on Literature • Andrew Lang
... reproduced above, and speaks of me as having been replied to in a previous note. Again in the Comptes Rendus for 1872, Vol. LXXV., p. 1664, he recognizes the inadequacy of his hypothesis, saying:—"Il est certain que l'objection de M. Spencer, reproduit et developpee par M. Kirchoff, est fondee jusqu'a un certain point; l'interieur des taches, si ce sont des lacunes dans la photosphere, doit etre froid relativement.... Il est donc impossible qu'elles proviennent ... — Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative, Vol. I • Herbert Spencer
... himself escaped and with him some other gentlemen of Piacenza, notably one of the scions of the great house of Pallavicini, who took a wound in the leg which left him lame for life, so that ever after he was known as Pallavicini il Zopo. ... — The Strolling Saint • Raphael Sabatini