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High Mass   /haɪ mæs/   Listen
Mass  n.  
(R. C. Ch.) The sacrifice in the sacrament of the Eucharist, or the consecration and oblation of the host.
(Mus.) The portions of the Mass usually set to music, considered as a musical composition; namely, the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei, besides sometimes an Offertory and the Benedictus.
Canon of the Mass. See Canon.
High Mass, Mass with incense, music, the assistance of a deacon, subdeacon, etc.
Low Mass, Mass which is said by the priest throughout, without music.
Mass bell, the sanctus bell. See Sanctus.
Mass book, the missal or Roman Catholic service book.

High  adj.  (compar. higher; superl. highest)  
Elevated above any starting point of measurement, as a line, or surface; having altitude; lifted up; raised or extended in the direction of the zenith; lofty; tall; as, a high mountain, tower, tree; the sun is high.
Regarded as raised up or elevated; distinguished; remarkable; conspicuous; superior; used indefinitely or relatively, and often in figurative senses, which are understood from the connection; as
Elevated in character or quality, whether moral or intellectual; preeminent; honorable; as, high aims, or motives. "The highest faculty of the soul."
Exalted in social standing or general estimation, or in rank, reputation, office, and the like; dignified; as, she was welcomed in the highest circles. "He was a wight of high renown."
Of noble birth; illustrious; as, of high family.
Of great strength, force, importance, and the like; strong; mighty; powerful; violent; sometimes, triumphant; victorious; majestic, etc.; as, a high wind; high passions. "With rather a high manner." "Strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand." "Can heavenly minds such high resentment show?"
Very abstract; difficult to comprehend or surmount; grand; noble. "Both meet to hear and answer such high things." "Plain living and high thinking are no more."
Costly; dear in price; extravagant; as, to hold goods at a high price. "If they must be good at so high a rate, they know they may be safe at a cheaper."
Arrogant; lofty; boastful; proud; ostentatious; used in a bad sense. "An high look and a proud heart... is sin." "His forces, after all the high discourses, amounted really but to eighteen hundred foot."
Possessing a characteristic quality in a supreme or superior degree; as, high (i. e., intense) heat; high (i. e., full or quite) noon; high (i. e., rich or spicy) seasoning; high (i. e., complete) pleasure; high (i. e., deep or vivid) color; high (i. e., extensive, thorough) scholarship, etc. "High time it is this war now ended were." "High sauces and spices are fetched from the Indies."
(Cookery) Strong-scented; slightly tainted; as, epicures do not cook game before it is high.
(Mus.) Acute or sharp; opposed to grave or low; as, a high note.
(Phon.) Made with a high position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate.
High admiral, the chief admiral.
High altar, the principal altar in a church.
High and dry, out of water; out of reach of the current or tide; said of a vessel, aground or beached.
High and mighty arrogant; overbearing. (Colloq.)
High art, art which deals with lofty and dignified subjects and is characterized by an elevated style avoiding all meretricious display.
High bailiff, the chief bailiff.
High Church and Low Church, two ecclesiastical parties in the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church. The high-churchmen emphasize the doctrine of the apostolic succession, and hold, in general, to a sacramental presence in the Eucharist, to baptismal regeneration, and to the sole validity of Episcopal ordination. They attach much importance to ceremonies and symbols in worship. Low-churchmen lay less stress on these points, and, in many instances, reject altogether the peculiar tenets of the high-church school. See Broad Church.
High constable (Law), a chief of constabulary. See Constable, n., 2.
High commission court, a court of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in England erected and united to the regal power by Queen Elizabeth in 1559. On account of the abuse of its powers it was abolished in 1641.
High day (Script.), a holy or feast day.
High festival (Eccl.), a festival to be observed with full ceremonial.
High German, or High Dutch. See under German.
High jinks, an old Scottish pastime; hence, noisy revelry; wild sport. (Colloq.) "All the high jinks of the county, when the lad comes of age."
High latitude (Geog.), one designated by the higher figures; consequently, a latitude remote from the equator.
High life, life among the aristocracy or the rich.
High liver, one who indulges in a rich diet.
High living, a feeding upon rich, pampering food.
High Mass. (R. C. Ch.) See under Mass.
High milling, a process of making flour from grain by several successive grindings and intermediate sorting, instead of by a single grinding.
High noon, the time when the sun is in the meridian.
High place (Script.), an eminence or mound on which sacrifices were offered.
High priest. See in the Vocabulary.
High relief. (Fine Arts) See Alto-rilievo.
High school. See under School.
High seas (Law), the open sea; the part of the ocean not in the territorial waters of any particular sovereignty, usually distant three miles or more from the coast line.
High steam, steam having a high pressure.
High steward, the chief steward.
High tea, tea with meats and extra relishes.
High tide, the greatest flow of the tide; high water.
High time.
Quite time; full time for the occasion.
A time of great excitement or enjoyment; a carousal. (Slang)
High treason, treason against the sovereign or the state, the highest civil offense. See Treason. Note: It is now sufficient to speak of high treason as treason simply, seeing that petty treason, as a distinct offense, has been abolished.
High water, the utmost flow or greatest elevation of the tide; also, the time of such elevation.
High-water mark.
That line of the seashore to which the waters ordinarily reach at high water.
A mark showing the highest level reached by water in a river or other body of fresh water, as in time of freshet.
High-water shrub (Bot.), a composite shrub (Iva frutescens), growing in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States.
High wine, distilled spirits containing a high percentage of alcohol; usually in the plural.
To be on a high horse, to be on one's dignity; to bear one's self loftily. (Colloq.)
With a high hand.
With power; in force; triumphantly. "The children of Israel went out with a high hand."
In an overbearing manner, arbitrarily. "They governed the city with a high hand."
Synonyms: Tall; lofty; elevated; noble; exalted; supercilious; proud; violent; full; dear. See Tall.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"High mass" Quotes from Famous Books

... o'clock the next morning, in the oratory, the holy hair was duly administered to the patient. All the priests were present except Bruno. Master Aristoteles himself, after high mass, came forward with the blessed relic,—a long, thick, black hair, immersed in holy water, in a golden goblet set with pearls. This Margaret obediently swallowed (of course exclusive of the goblet); and it is not very surprising that a fit of coughing ...
— Earl Hubert's Daughter - The Polishing of the Pearl - A Tale of the 13th Century • Emily Sarah Holt

... stone. I did not know what to do. I tried to cross my legs coolly, but the arm-chair was too low, and I fell back in a most undignified manner. Then I placed my hands on my knees, thinking that this was the correct thing; but it struck me immediately that this was the attitude at High Mass, and I gave it up as out of place. Then I assumed an air of frigid composure, and toyed with my watch-chain. But a little girl screwed her eyes into me, and said, evidently, in her mind: "That old gentleman ...
— My New Curate • P.A. Sheehan

... greatly excited, and not without cause. It fell to his lot to preach the Easter sermon. The service was held in the little church of the Hotel-Dieu, which was crowded to the porch, all the chief persons of the settlement being present. The cure of the parish, whose name also was Perrot, said High Mass, assisted by La Salle's brother, Cavelier, and two other priests. Then Fenelon mounted the pulpit. Certain passages of his sermon were obviously levelled against Frontenac. Speaking of the duties of those clothed with temporal ...
— France and England in North America, a Series of Historical Narratives, Part Third • Francis Parkman

... eminence, it was determined that they should be executed with solemnity. They were condemned to the flames, and as they were of the ecclesiastical profession, it was necessary before execution that their personal sanctity should be removed. Accordingly, on the 27th May, attired in the gorgeous robes of high mass, they were brought before the Bishop of Bois le Duc. The prelate; with a pair of scissors, cut a lock of hair from each of their heads. He then scraped their crowns and the tips of their fingers with a little silver knife very gently, and without inflicting the least injury. ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... High Mass, twice in the month; there is the Low Mass—every Monday, if you will believe me! There are the priests, for nothing—Santa Maria, they are not few! The first fare in the day?—always for the Madonna of the traghetto. This maledetto fare ...
— A Golden Book of Venice • Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull

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