... in token of friendship? And were the clasped hands (now the common symbol of Benefit Clubs) ever used as a signet, prior to their adoption as such by the early Christians in their wedding rings; or, did these rings {119} bear any other motto, or posy, than "Fides annulus castus" (i. e. ... — Notes and Queries, Number 68, February 15, 1851 • Various
... julyflower, as if derived from the month July; petroselinum, parsley; portulaca, purslain; cydonium, quince; cydoniatum, quiddeny; persicum, peach; eruca, eruke, which they corrupt to earwig, as if it took its name from the ear; annulus geminus, a gimmal, or gimbal-ring; and thus the word gimbal or jumbal is transferred to other things thus interwoven; quelques choses, kickshaws. Since the origin of these, and many others, however forced, is evident, it ought to appear no wonder to any one if the ancients have thus ... — A Grammar of the English Tongue • Samuel Johnson