Animalize v. t. (past & past part. animalized; pres. part. animalizing)
To endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form.
To convert into animal matter by the processes of assimilation.
To render animal or sentient; to reduce to the state of a lower animal; to sensualize. "The unconscious irony of the Epicurean poet on the animalizing tendency of his own philosophy."
... as two kinds of motion are distinguished in Nature, the one called live force, the other dead, or inert force, two sorts of sensibility will be distinguished, the one active or alive, the other inert or dead. Then to animalize a substance, is only to destroy the obstacles that prevent its being active or sensible. In fact, sensibility is either a quality which communicates itself like motion, and which is acquired by combination; or this sensibility is a property inherent in ... — The System of Nature, Vol. 1 • Baron D'Holbach