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Grumble   /grˈəmbəl/   Listen
Grumble  v. t.  To express or utter with grumbling.

Grumble  v. i.  (past & past part. grunbled; pres. part. grumbling)  
To murmur or mutter with discontent; to make ill-natured complaints in a low voice and a surly manner. "L'Avare, not using half his store, Still grumbles that he has no more."
To growl; to snarl in deep tones; as, a lion grumbling over his prey.
To rumble; to make a low, harsh, and heavy sound; to mutter; as, the distant thunder grumbles.

Grumble  n.  
The noise of one that grumbles.
A grumbling, discontented disposition. "A bad case of grumble."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Grumble" Quotes from Famous Books

... the cook-stove to a bit of shed just back; and though at first the young mother had fretted at the innovation, she found it so much more cheerful, and such a saving of candles in the long evenings, that she had ceased to grumble. ...
— Sara, a Princess • Fannie E. Newberry

... all your life long, and if you drink nothing but water, or the very mildest beer, and live on very plain food, and never lose your temper, and go to church every Sunday, and always remain content in the position in which Providence has placed you, and never grumble nor swear; and always keep your clothes decent, and rise early, and use every opportunity of improving yourself, you will get on very well, and never ...
— The Two Paths • John Ruskin

... can kill a craw." "It's a good horse that duz never stumble, And a good wife that duz never grumble." "Neare is my sarke, but nearer is my skin." "It's an ill-made bargain whore beath parties rue." "A curst cow hes short horns." "Wilfull fowkes duz never want weay." "For change of pastures macks fat cawves, it's said, But change of women ...
— Yorkshire Dialect Poems • F.W. Moorman

... blue, An' girt silk flags,—I wish my box 'D a-got em all in ceaepes an' frocks,— A-weaeven wide an' flappen loud In playsome winds above the crowd; While fifes did squeak an' drums did rumble, An' deep beaezzoons did grunt an' grumble, An' all the vo'k in gath'ren crowds Kick'd up the doust in smeechy clouds, That slowly rose an' spread abrode In streamen air above the road. An' then at church there wer sich lots O' hats a-hangen up wi' knots, An' poles a-stood so thick as iver, The rushes stood beside a river. ...
— Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect • William Barnes

... happy this evening, Iris; happier than I have been for months. The fact is, this infernal place has hipped us both confoundedly. I didn't like to grumble, but I've felt the monotony more than a bit. And so have you. It's made you brood over things. Now, for my part, I like to look at the bright side. Here we are comfortably cut off from the past. That's all done with. Nothing in the ...
— Blind Love • Wilkie Collins

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