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In good time   /ɪn gʊd taɪm/   Listen
Good  adj.  (compar. better; superl. best)  
Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc. "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." "Good company, good wine, good welcome."
Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; said of persons or actions. "In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works."
Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto. "The men were very good unto us."
Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; followed especially by for. "All quality that is good for anything is founded originally in merit."
Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; followed especially by at. "He... is a good workman; a very good tailor." "Those are generally good at flattering who are good for nothing else."
Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit. "My reasons are both good and weighty." "My meaning in saying he is a good man is... that he is sufficient... I think I may take his bond."
Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth. "Love no man in good earnest."
Not small, insignificant, or of no account; considerable; esp., in the phrases a good deal, a good way, a good degree, a good share or part, etc.
Not lacking or deficient; full; complete. "Good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over."
Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable; unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute, etc. "A good name is better than precious ointment".
As good as. See under As.
For good, or For good and all, completely and finally; fully; truly. "The good woman never died after this, till she came to die for good and all."
Good breeding, polite or polished manners, formed by education; a polite education. "Distinguished by good humor and good breeding."
Good cheap, literally, good bargain; reasonably cheap.
Good consideration (Law).
A consideration of blood or of natural love and affection.
A valuable consideration, or one which will sustain a contract.
Good fellow, a person of companionable qualities. (Familiar)
Good folk or Good people, fairies; brownies; pixies, etc. (Colloq. Eng. & Scot.)
Good for nothing.
Of no value; useless; worthless.
Used substantively, an idle, worthless person. "My father always said I was born to be a good for nothing."
Good Friday, the Friday of Holy Week, kept in some churches as a fast, in memoory of our Savior's passion or suffering; the anniversary of the crucifixion.
Good humor, or Good-humor, a cheerful or pleasant temper or state of mind.
Good humor man, a travelling vendor who sells Good Humor ice-cream (or some similar ice-cream) from a small refrigerated truck; he usually drives slowly through residential neighborhoods in summertime, loudly playing some distinctive recorded music to announce his presence. (U. S.)
Good nature, or Good-nature, habitual kindness or mildness of temper or disposition; amiability; state of being in good humor. "The good nature and generosity which belonged to his character." "The young count's good nature and easy persuadability were among his best characteristics."
Good people. See Good folk (above).
Good speed, good luck; good success; godspeed; an old form of wishing success. See Speed.
Good turn, an act of kidness; a favor.
Good will.
Benevolence; well wishing; kindly feeling.
(Law) The custom of any trade or business; the tendency or inclination of persons, old customers and others, to resort to an established place of business; the advantage accruing from tendency or inclination. "The good will of a trade is nothing more than the probability that the old customers will resort to the old place."
In good time.
Promptly; punctually; opportunely; not too soon nor too late.
(Mus.) Correctly; in proper time.
To hold good, to remain true or valid; to be operative; to remain in force or effect; as, his promise holds good; the condition still holds good.
To make good, to fulfill; to establish; to maintain; to supply (a defect or deficiency); to indemmify; to prove or verify (an accusation); to prove to be blameless; to clear; to vindicate. "Each word made good and true." "Of no power to make his wishes good." "I... would by combat make her good." "Convenient numbers to make good the city."
To think good, to approve; to be pleased or satisfied with; to consider expedient or proper. "If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear." Note: Good, in the sense of wishing well, is much used in greeting and leave-taking; as, good day, good night, good evening, good morning, etc.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"In good time" Quotes from Famous Books

... twisting Kittewan. Though she paused involuntarily in trying to round the island where the sweet gum flamed against the pines, and caught her propeller on a cypress stump as she sighted the dormer windows of the old house on the hill, yet she came in good time to the clear channel and, passing the tangled underwood that hid the forsaken tomb, she reached the mouth of the creek before the tide turned and started up the James on the last ...
— Virginia: The Old Dominion • Frank W. Hutchins and Cortelle Hutchins

... staged at her, she said, "He's coming round this afternoon on the new footing, and I wanted to prepare your and Christopher's minds in good time so that ...
— Christopher and Columbus • Countess Elizabeth Von Arnim

... and the latest hostile aircraft. It is, therefore, not surprising that the general feeling of the squadron was that the sooner it was over the better for all concerned. Arrived at the sheds I was relieved to find that I was in good time, at all events. The machines (two-seater artillery machines, then commonly known as "Quirks") were lined up on the aerodrome with bomb racks loaded, their noses to the wind, awaiting the signal to ascend. ...
— 'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany • Gerald Featherstone Knight

... requires only to be cured and reformed by another education. The Comtesse was not like this. Skilful and intelligent, she knew what talking meant, and how to read in wise men's eyes and between the lines of letters. Therefore, she had learnt in good time, how to bring together two things which the profane suppose to be so opposed to one another, and which form the secret of the Temple: ...
— The Grip of Desire • Hector France

... I learned of the action at Labadieville, and hurried on to Berwick's Bay, which Mouton had just crossed, and in good time; for Federal gunboats entered from the Gulf immediately after. Their presence some hours earlier would have been uncomfortable for Mouton. It is curious to recall the ideas prevailing in the first years of the war about gunboats. To the wide-spread terror inspired by them may ...
— Destruction and Reconstruction: - Personal Experiences of the Late War • Richard Taylor

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