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Natural gas   /nˈætʃərəl gæs/   Listen
Gas  n.  (pl. gases)  
An aeriform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be permanently elastic, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc., in distinction from vapors, as steam, which become liquid on a reduction of temperature. In present usage, since all of the supposed permanent gases have been liquified by cold and pressure, the term has resumed nearly its original signification, and is applied to any substance in the elastic or aeriform state.
(Popular Usage)
A complex mixture of gases, of which the most important constituents are marsh gas, olefiant gas, and hydrogen, artificially produced by the destructive distillation of gas coal, or sometimes of peat, wood, oil, resin, etc. It gives a brilliant light when burned, and is the common gas used for illuminating purposes.
Laughing gas.
Any irrespirable aeriform fluid.
Same as gasoline; a shortened form. Also, the accelerator pedal of a motor vehicle; used in the term " step on the gas".
The accelerator pedal of a motor vehicle; used in the term " step on the gas".
Same as natural gas.
An exceptionally enjoyable event; a good time; as, The concert was a gas. (slang) Note: Gas is often used adjectively or in combination; as, gas fitter or gasfitter; gas meter or gas-meter, etc.
Air gas (Chem.), a kind of gas made by forcing air through some volatile hydrocarbon, as the lighter petroleums. The air is so saturated with combustible vapor as to be a convenient illuminating and heating agent.
Gas battery (Elec.), a form of voltaic battery, in which gases, especially hydrogen and oxygen, are the active agents.
Gas carbon, Gas coke, etc. See under Carbon, Coke, etc.
Gas coal, a bituminous or hydrogenous coal yielding a high percentage of volatile matters, and therefore available for the manufacture of illuminating gas.
Gas engine, an engine in which the motion of the piston is produced by the combustion or sudden production or expansion of gas; especially, an engine in which an explosive mixture of gas and air is forced into the working cylinder and ignited there by a gas flame or an electric spark.
Gas fitter, one who lays pipes and puts up fixtures for gas.
Gas fitting.
The occupation of a gas fitter.
pl. The appliances needed for the introduction of gas into a building, as meters, pipes, burners, etc.
Gas fixture, a device for conveying illuminating or combustible gas from the pipe to the gas-burner, consisting of an appendage of cast, wrought, or drawn metal, with tubes upon which the burners, keys, etc., are adjusted.
Gas generator, an apparatus in which gas is evolved; as:
a retort in which volatile hydrocarbons are evolved by heat;
a machine in which air is saturated with the vapor of liquid hydrocarbon; a carburetor;
a machine for the production of carbonic acid gas, for aerating water, bread, etc.
Gas jet, a flame of illuminating gas.
Gas machine, an apparatus for carbureting air for use as illuminating gas.
Gas meter, an instrument for recording the quantity of gas consumed in a given time, at a particular place.
Gas retort, a retort which contains the coal and other materials, and in which the gas is generated, in the manufacture of gas.
Gas stove, a stove for cooking or other purposes, heated by gas.
Gas tar, coal tar.
Gas trap, a drain trap; a sewer trap. See 4th Trap, 5.
Gas washer (Gas Works), an apparatus within which gas from the condenser is brought in contact with a falling stream of water, to precipitate the tar remaining in it.
Gas water, water through which gas has been passed for purification; called also gas liquor and ammoniacal water, and used for the manufacture of sal ammoniac, carbonate of ammonia, and Prussian blue.
Gas well, a deep boring, from which natural gas is discharged.
Gas works, a manufactory of gas, with all the machinery and appurtenances; a place where gas is generated for lighting cities.
Laughing gas. See under Laughing.
Marsh gas (Chem.), a light, combustible, gaseous hydrocarbon, CH4, produced artificially by the dry distillation of many organic substances, and occurring as a natural product of decomposition in stagnant pools, whence its name. It is an abundant ingredient of ordinary illuminating gas, and is the first member of the paraffin series. Called also methane, and in coal mines, fire damp.
Natural gas, gas obtained from wells, etc., in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and elsewhere, and largely used for fuel and illuminating purposes. It is chiefly derived from the Coal Measures.
Olefiant gas (Chem.). See Ethylene.
Water gas (Chem.), a kind of gas made by forcing steam over glowing coals, whereby there results a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. This gives a gas of intense heating power, but destitute of light-giving properties, and which is charged by passing through some volatile hydrocarbon, as gasoline.

natural gas  n.  The combustible gas found associated with petroleum deposits, and also in other geological formations, comprised predominantly of methane plus variable other constitutents. It is an important source of energy, and is transported long distances by pipelines, or in a liquefied state in tankers, for commercial distribution. Some natural gas deposits contain helium, and comprise the primary source of that rare element.
Synonyms: gas.

Natural  adj.  
Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential; characteristic; innate; not artificial, foreign, assumed, put on, or acquired; as, the natural growth of animals or plants; the natural motion of a gravitating body; natural strength or disposition; the natural heat of the body; natural color. "With strong natural sense, and rare force of will."
Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature; consonant to the methods of nature; according to the stated course of things, or in accordance with the laws which govern events, feelings, etc.; not exceptional or violent; legitimate; normal; regular; as, the natural consequence of crime; a natural death; anger is a natural response to insult. "What can be more natural than the circumstances in the behavior of those women who had lost their husbands on this fatal day?"
Having to do with existing system to things; dealing with, or derived from, the creation, or the world of matter and mind, as known by man; within the scope of human reason or experience; not supernatural; as, a natural law; natural science; history, theology. "I call that natural religion which men might know... by the mere principles of reason, improved by consideration and experience, without the help of revelation."
Conformed to truth or reality; as:
Springing from true sentiment; not artificial or exaggerated; said of action, delivery, etc.; as, a natural gesture, tone, etc.
Resembling the object imitated; true to nature; according to the life; said of anything copied or imitated; as, a portrait is natural.
Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings. "To leave his wife, to leave his babes,... He wants the natural touch."
Connected by the ties of consanguinity. especially, Related by birth rather than by adoption; as, one's natural mother. "Natural friends."
Hence: Begotten without the sanction of law; born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard; as, a natural child.
Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual; being in a state of nature; unregenerate. "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God."
(Math.) Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; said of certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1.
Produced by natural organs, as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
Neither flat nor sharp; of a tone.
Changed to the pitch which is neither flat nor sharp, by appending the sign natural; as, A natural.
Existing in nature or created by the forces of nature, in contrast to production by man; not made, manufactured, or processed by humans; as, a natural ruby; a natural bridge; natural fibers; a deposit of natural calcium sulfate. Opposed to artificial, man-made, manufactured, processed and synthetic.
Hence: Not processed or refined; in the same statre as that existing in nature; as, natural wood; natural foods.
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas. etc.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common chord.
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or description of nature as a whole, including the sciences of botany, Zoology, geology, mineralogy, paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of botany and Zoology collectively, and sometimes to the science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in general; the natural sciences; in modern usage, that branch of physical science, commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena and laws of matter and considers those effects only which are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; contrasted with mental philosophy and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without flats or sharps. Note: Model would be a preferable term, as less likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally natural with the so-called natural scale.
Natural science, the study of objects and phenomena existing in nature, especially biology, chemistry, physics and their interdisciplinary related sciences; natural history, in its broadest sense; used especially in contradistinction to social science, mathematics, philosophy, mental science or moral science.
Natural selection (Biol.), the operation of natural laws analogous, in their operation and results, to designed selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in the survival of the fittest; the elimination over time of species unable to compete in specific environments with other species more adapted to survival; the essential mechanism of evolution. The principle of natural selection is neutral with respect to the mechanism by which inheritable changes occur in organisms (most commonly thought to be due to mutation of genes and reorganization of genomes), but proposes that those forms which have become so modified as to be better adapted to the existing environment have tended to survive and leave similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly adapted have tended to die out through lack of fitness for the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zool.), a classification based upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all parts of the organisms, and by their embryology. "It should be borne in mind that the natural system of botany is natural only in the constitution of its genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand divisions."
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of theological science which treats of those evidences of the existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are exhibited in nature; distinguished from revealed religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir, her, etc.; so called as being uttered in the easiest open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel, under Neutral.
Synonyms: See Native.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Natural gas" Quotes from Famous Books

... amethyst bloom; orchard and meadow, grove and grassy upland, where cattle pasture; populous cities and churches and stately college halls; the whirring factory wheels, the dust of the mines, the black oil derrick and the huge reservoirs of natural gas, with the slender steel pathways of the great trains of traffic binding these together; and above all, the sheltered happy homes, where little children play never dreaming of fear; where sweet-browed mothers think not of loneliness and anguish and peril—all these are the ...
— The Price of the Prairie - A Story of Kansas • Margaret Hill McCarter

... train arrived at the center of the Pennsylvania oil region. The evidences of the great industry were on every hand, and the sight of the tall derricks, the refineries, the storage tanks, and the pipes where natural gas was continually burning, were such interesting ones that the lads never grew tired of looking from ...
— Jack Ranger's Western Trip - From Boarding School to Ranch and Range • Clarence Young

... the "Locust Street Red Cross Hotel"; it stood some fifty rods from our warehouse, and was fifty by one hundred and sixteen feet in dimensions, two stories in height, with lantern roof, built of hemlock, single siding, papered inside with heavy building paper, and heated by natural gas, as all our buildings were. It consisted of thirty-four rooms, besides kitchen, laundry, bath-rooms with hot and cold water, and one main dining-hall and sitting-room through the center, sixteen feet in width by ...
— A Story of the Red Cross - Glimpses of Field Work • Clara Barton

... pages each day, and reading them during the idle minute here and there, note how soon you can make yourself familiar with the world's best speeches. If you do not wish to mutilate your book, take it with you—most of the epoch-making books are now printed in small volumes. The daily waste of natural gas in the Oklahoma fields is equal to ten thousand tons of coal. Only about three per cent of the power of the coal that enters the furnace ever diffuses itself from your electric bulb as light—the other ninety-seven ...
— The Art of Public Speaking • Dale Carnagey (AKA Dale Carnegie) and J. Berg Esenwein

... from Halifax to Lake Huron, from the Atlantic Ocean to the great fresh ocean of the West—what with the electric telegraph now in operation on the banks of the Niagara by the Americans—what with the lighting of villages on the shores of Lake Erie with natural gas, as Fredonia is lit, and as the city of the Falls of Niagara, if ever it is built, will also be, there is no telling what will happen: at all events, the poor lumberer must benefit in the next generation, ...
— Canada and the Canadians - Volume I • Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle

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