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Foliated   Listen
Foliate  v. t.  (past & past part. foliated; pres. part. foliating)  
To beat into a leaf, or thin plate.
To spread over with a thin coat of tin and quicksilver; as, to foliate a looking-glass.

Foliated  adj.  
Having leaves, or leaflike projections; as, a foliated shell.
(Arch.) Containing, or consisting of, foils; as, a foliated arch.
(Min.) Characterized by being separable into thin plates or folia; as, graphite has a foliated structure.
(Geol.) Laminated, but restricted to the variety of laminated structure found in crystalline schist, as mica schist, etc.; schistose.
Spread over with an amalgam of tin and quicksilver.
Foliated telluium. (Min.) See Nagyagite.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Foliated" Quotes from Famous Books

... like him!—saw the story of Pennybet, not as a broken pillar, but as a graceful, upright column, with a richly foliated capital. ...
— Tell England - A Study in a Generation • Ernest Raymond

... their perennial beauty, they are one of the smiles of that far time that shed cheer through the centuries. They are not the grandiose affairs of the Renaissance whose voluptuous development contains the arrogant assurance of beauty matured. They do not crown a column or trail themselves in foliated scrolls; but are just as Nature meant them to be, unaffected bits of colour and grace, upspringing from the sod. In the cathedral at Berne is a happy example of the use of these sweet flowers, as they appear at the feet of the sacred ...
— The Tapestry Book • Helen Churchill Candee

... until 1381. This monument is beneath the Episcopal Throne, which was erected by Bishop Hatfield himself. It consists of an altar tomb surmounted by a recumbent effigy of the bishop, in richly-worked robes, beneath a canopy, richly groined, with foliated bosses at the intersections of the ribs. On the walls at the east and west ends may still be seen the remains of fresco painting, representing in each case two angels. Beneath the staircase leading up to the throne is a very fine decorated ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham - A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See • J. E. Bygate

... massy-capitaled buildings—Norman, Lombard, Byzantine, and what else you can name of the kind; and the Corinthian of all Gothic, Early English, French, German, and Tuscan. Now observe: those old Greeks gave the shaft; Rome gave the arch; the Arabs pointed and foliated the arch. The shaft and arch, the frame-work and strength of architecture, are from the race of Japheth: the spirituality and sanctity of it ...
— Stones of Venice [introductions] • John Ruskin

... would matter little, were it not beyond thoughts too. But, at all events, this yellow leaf of dead gold, shed, not from the ruined woodlands, but the ruined rocks, will help you to remember the second kind of crystals, LEAF-crystals, or FOLIATED crystals, though I show you the form in gold first only to make a strong impression on you, for gold is not generally or characteristically, crystallized in leaves; the real type of foliated crystals is this thing, Mica; which if you once feel well and break ...
— The Ethics of the Dust • John Ruskin

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