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Fling   /flɪŋ/   Listen
Fling  n.  
A cast from the hand; a throw; also, a flounce; a kick; as, the fling of a horse.
A severe or contemptuous remark; an expression of sarcastic scorn; a gibe; a sarcasm. "I, who love to have a fling, Both at senate house and king."
A kind of dance; as, the Highland fling.
A trifing matter; an object of contempt. (Obs.) "England were but a fling Save for the crooked stick and the gray goose wing."
A short period during which one indulges one's wishes, whims, or desires in an unrestrained manner.
A love affair.
A casual or brief attempt to accomplish something. (informal)
Synonyms: shot.
A period during which one tries a new activity; as, he took a fling at playing tennis.
To have one's fling, to enjoy one's self to the full; to have a season of dissipation. "When I was as young as you, I had my fling. I led a life of pleasure."

Fling  v. t.  (past & past part. flung; pres. part. flinging)  
To cast, send, to throw from the hand; to hurl; to dart; to emit with violence as if thrown from the hand; as, to fing a stone into the pond. "'T is Fate that flings the dice: and, as she flings, Of kings makes peasants, and of peasants kings." "He... like Jove, his lighting flung." "I know thy generous temper well. Fling but the appearance of dishonor on it, It straight takes fire."
To shed forth; to emit; to scatter. "The sun begins to fling His flaring beams." "Every beam new transient colors flings."
To throw; to hurl; to throw off or down; to prostrate; hence, to baffle; to defeat; as, to fling a party in litigation. "His horse started, flung him, and fell upon him."
To fling about, to throw on all sides; to scatter.
To fling away, to reject; to discard. "Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition."
To fling down.
To throw to the ground; esp., to throw in defiance, as formerly knights cast a glove into the arena as a challenge. "This question so flung down before the guests,... Was handed over by consent of all To me who had not spoken."
To overturn; to demolish; to ruin.
To fling in, to throw in; not to charge in an account; as, in settling accounts, one party flings in a small sum, or a few days' work.
To fling off, to baffle in the chase; to defeat of prey; also, to get rid of.
To fling open, to throw open; to open suddenly or with violence; as, to fling open a door.
To fling out, to utter; to speak in an abrupt or harsh manner; as, to fling out hard words against another.
To fling up, to relinquish; to abandon; as, to fling up a design.

Fling  v. i.  (past & past part. flung; pres. part. flinging)  
To throw; to wince; to flounce; as, the horse began to kick and fling.
To cast in the teeth; to utter abusive language; to sneer; as, the scold began to flout and fling.
To throw one's self in a violent or hasty manner; to rush or spring with violence or haste. "And crop-full, out of doors he flings." "I flung closer to his breast, As sword that, after battle, flings to sheath."
To fling out, to become ugly and intractable; to utter sneers and insinuations.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fling" Quotes from Famous Books

... he permitted himself an occasional playful fling at the regular church-going of Mr. and Mrs. Summers, at the innocuous character of the literature in their library, and at their guileless appreciations in art. He even ventured to banter Mrs. Summers on her refusal to receive the irrepressible ...
— The Reef • Edith Wharton

... furious race after the whale, and how the boat gradually gained, and how at last, as he was grinding his teeth and pulling like mad, he heard a sound ahead like a hundred elephants wallowing; and now he hoped to see the harpooner leave his oar, and rise and fling his weapon; "but that instant, up flukes, a tower of fish was seen a moment in the air, with a tail-fin at the top of it just about the size of this room we are sitting in, ladies, and down the whale sounded; then it was pull on again in her wake, according as she headed in sounding; pull ...
— Love Me Little, Love Me Long • Charles Reade

... cutting remarks of the Profs. on the following day? They had had their fling and were willing to ...
— Bert Wilson on the Gridiron • J. W. Duffield

... prostrated, not unwillingly. We would then escort him in triumph to his door, and all offer to turn the lock, crying: "Let me have the key, sir." "Do let me, sir." "You never let me, sir—dashed unfair." When someone had secured the key, he would fling wide the door, as though to usher in all the kings of Asia, but promptly spoil this courtly action by racing after the door ere it banged against the wall, holding it in an iron grip like a runaway horse, and panting horribly at the strain. ...
— Tell England - A Study in a Generation • Ernest Raymond

... wounded by Felix's knife, for they were unaccustomed to steel, though they had a few blades made out of old European barrel-hoops. For a minute or two the conflict was sharp and hotly contested. Then at last Felix managed to fling the child across the line, to push Muriel with one hand at arm's-length before him, and to rush himself within the ...
— The Great Taboo • Grant Allen

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