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Farmer   /fˈɑrmər/   Listen
Farmer  n.  One who farms; as:
One who hires and cultivates a farm; a cultivator of leased ground; a tenant.
One who is devoted to the tillage of the soil; one who cultivates a farm; an agriculturist; a husbandman.
One who takes taxes, customs, excise, or other duties, to collect, either paying a fixed annuual rent for the privilege; as, a farmer of the revenues.
(Mining) The lord of the field, or one who farms the lot and cope of the crown.
Farmer-general, one to whom the right of levying certain taxes, in a particular district, was farmed out, under the former French monarchy, for a given sum paid down.
Farmers' satin, a light material of cotton and worsted, used for coat linings.
The king's farmer (O. Eng. Law), one to whom the collection of a royal revenue was farmed out.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Farmer" Quotes from Famous Books

... 1843 culminated the panic agitation of Millerism. From the year 1831 an honest Vermont farmer named William Miller had been urging upon the public, in pamphlets and lectures, his views of the approaching advent of Christ to judgment and the destruction of the world. He had figured it out on the basis of prophecies in Daniel and the Revelation, and the great event was set down ...
— A History of American Christianity • Leonard Woolsey Bacon

... render essential aid to the civil department of the colony. It was farther intended, at a future period, to place some people under his direction, to give him an opportunity of exercising the abilities he was said to possess as a practical farmer. ...
— An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1 • David Collins

... Christenthum, or Tennyson's Arthurian cycle—this was its ideal; even as the Jews rekindled their loyalty to the ancient traditions of their race and made their Bible under Ezra; as we begin to revere the day of the farmer-citizen, who made our institutions, or as some of us would revive his vanishing industrial ...
— Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene • G. Stanley Hall

... ago when attending to the work to which the Lord had called me in one of the sunny Southern States it was my happy privilege to enjoy for a few days the kind hospitality of a generous Christian farmer. One balmy afternoon while walking over the pleasant fields of his large farm, with my heart in sweet communion with God, I came upon the most beautiful flock of sheep it had ever been my privilege to behold. They were quietly grazing ...
— Food for the Lambs; or, Helps for Young Christians • Charles Ebert Orr

... as water poured into a vase takes the shape of the vase into which it is poured. The same gift unfolds itself in an infinite variety of manners, according to the needs of the man to whom it is given; just as the writer's pen, the carpenter's hammer, the farmer's ploughshare, are all made out of the same metal. So God's grace comes to you in a different shape from that in which it comes to me, according to our different callings and needs, as fixed by our circumstances, our duties, our sorrows, ...
— Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V) • Alexander Maclaren

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