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Examine   /ɪgzˈæmɪn/   Listen
Examine  v. t.  (past & past part. examined; pres. part. examining)  
To test by any appropriate method; to inspect carefully with a view to discover the real character or state of; to subject to inquiry or inspection of particulars for the purpose of obtaining a fuller insight into the subject of examination, as a material substance, a fact, a reason, a cause, the truth of a statement; to inquire or search into; to explore; as, to examine a mineral; to examine a ship to know whether she is seaworthy; to examine a proposition, theory, or question. "Examine well your own thoughts." "Examine their counsels and their cares."
To interrogate as in a judicial proceeding; to try or test by question; as, to examine a witness in order to elicit testimony, a student to test his qualifications, a bankrupt touching the state of his property, etc. "The offenders that are to be examined."
Synonyms: To discuss; debate; scrutinize; search into; investigate; explore. See Discuss.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Examine" Quotes from Famous Books

... right you have to examine me in this fashion,' Reardon exclaimed. 'With Mrs Yule I should have done my best to be patient if she had asked these questions; but you are not justified in putting them, at all events ...
— New Grub Street • George Gissing

... examine so many before you spoke to me? However, I have no reason to be suspicious, for time makes great changes. Now, what shall ...
— Rattlin the Reefer • Edward Howard

... Parliamentary forces, he made his escape, till an amnesty being granted, he was able to return and live in private in England. His fortune having been expended, he was glad to accept a small office belonging to the Ordnance, in the Tower. On the breaking out of the first Dutch war, the king came to examine the magazines. Charles, whose memory was as quick as his eye, recognised the veteran, who had for twenty years been distinguished by a fine head of grey hair. "My old friend, Colonel Benbow," said he, "what do ...
— How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves - Updated to 1900 • W.H.G. Kingston

... with infinite reluctance, I went. The drawer was lined with soft white satin, and upon the satin lay a long, slender knife, hilted and sheathed in antique silver, richly set with jewels. I took it up and turned back to the table to examine it. It was Italian in workmanship, and I knew that the carving and chasing of the silver were more precious even than the jewels which studded it, and whose rough setting gave so firm a grasp to my hand. Was the blade as fair as the covering, I wondered? A little resistance at first, and then ...
— The Lock and Key Library • Julian Hawthorne, Ed.

... and dry the hill a few days, and if the weather is fine and warm, I plant the seed about the fifteenth, merely pressing the eye of the bean downward one inch. If planted lower than this depth, they usually decay. If it is warm and early, the seed may be planted by the fifth of May. After planting, examine the seed often. If the beans are decaying instead of coming up, plant over again, and repeat this process until there are three or four strong plants within three or four inches of each pole. Let the hills be five feet ...
— The Home Acre • E. P. Roe

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