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Engraving   /ɪngrˈeɪvɪŋ/   Listen
Engrave  v. t.  To deposit in the grave; to bury. (Obs.) "Their corses to engrave."

Engrave  v. t.  (past engraved; past part. engraved or engraven; pres. part. engraving)  
To cut in; to make by incision. (Obs.) "Full many wounds in his corrupted flesh He did engrave."
To cut with a graving instrument in order to form an inscription or pictorial representation; to carve figures; to mark with incisions. "Like... a signet thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel."
To form or represent by means of incisions upon wood, stone, metal, or the like; as, to engrave an inscription.
To impress deeply; to infix, as if with a graver. "Engrave principles in men's minds."

Engraving  n.  
The act or art of producing upon hard material incised or raised patterns, characters, lines, and the like; especially, the art of producing such lines, etc., in the surface of metal plates or blocks of wood. Engraving is used for the decoration of the surface itself; also, for producing an original, from which a pattern or design may be printed on paper.
That which is engraved; an engraved plate.
An impression from an engraved plate, block of wood, or other material; a print. Note: Engraving on wood is called xylography; on copper, chalcography; on stone lithography. Engravings or prints take from wood blocks are usually called wood cuts, those from stone, lithographs.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Engraving" Quotes from Famous Books

... escotcheons; the crested helmets; and the antique tombs, afford a view at once pleasing and romantic.—Some attempt has been made to illustrate this portion of the church, (the chancel) in the annexed engraving, but no drawing can do justice ...
— The History and Antiquities of Horsham • Howard Dudley

... smiled. Dr. Hoffman had given Margaret a beautifully bound copy of Mrs. Hemans's poems, and the steel engraving in the front was handsome. She had already learned two of the poems, ...
— A Little Girl of Long Ago • Amanda Millie Douglas

... a method of bringing at one view before the public, a delineation of the progress made by our artists in a branch so essentially connected with the performance and durability of the Fine Arts. An Exhibition of this kind is well calculated to dispel the vulgar error, that engraving is a servile art in the scale of works of the mind, and mostly consigned to the copyist. An Establishment of this kind has long been wanted, and ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

... 44: Lebensbild II (I, 2), p. 256; also in Hamann's Schriften, ed. by Roth. Berlin, 1822, III, p.372. Hamann asks Herder to remind his publisher, when the latter sends the promised third part of the "Fragmente," to inclose without fail the engraving of Sterne, because the latter is ...
— Laurence Sterne in Germany • Harvey Waterman Thayer

... to mind the offerings from the altars of Cain and Abel. I watched to see if my hymns turned into fire, and ascended up to heaven. I felt a cold horror when I discovered them scattered from my mouth exactly in the same manner that I had seen the flames in the engraving in our large Bible on the altar of Cain. Then there came a huge block of wood, and stationed itself in the air above me, about six inches from my eyes. I remember no more—I ...
— Rattlin the Reefer • Edward Howard

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