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Elect   /ɪlˈɛkt/   Listen
Elect  v. t.  (past & past part. elected; pres. part. electing)  
To pick out; to select; to choose. "The deputy elected by the Lord."
To select or take for an office; to select by vote; as, to elect a representative, a president, or a governor.
(Theol.) To designate, choose, or select, as an object of mercy or favor.
Synonyms: To choose; prefer; select. See Choose.

Elect  n.  
One chosen or set apart. "Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth."
pl. (Theol.) Those who are chosen for salvation. "Shall not God avenge his won elect?"

Elect  adj.  
Chosen; taken by preference from among two or more. "Colors quaint elect."
(Theol.) Chosen as the object of mercy or divine favor; set apart to eternal life. "The elect angels."
Chosen to an office, but not yet actually inducted into it; as, bishop elect; governor or mayor elect.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Elect" Quotes from Famous Books

... an extraordinary meeting of the Town Council which had been convened for the next day, in order to elect a new Mayor of Hathelsborough in succession to John Wallingford, deceased. Brent heard of it that afternoon, from Queenie Crood, in the Castle grounds. He had met Queenie there more than once since their first encountering in those sheltered nooks: ...
— In the Mayor's Parlour • J. S. (Joseph Smith) Fletcher

... to do with it now. What did we elect you coroner fur, I'd like to know? You've got to hustle around and panel your jury an' bring in a verdict of accidental death or something of that sort. Bring any sort or kind of verdict that'll save trouble ...
— Revenge! • by Robert Barr

... elect from every province came, Where wide Columbia bore the British name, Where Freedom's sons their highborn lineage trace, And homebred bravery still exalts the race: Her sons who plant each various vast domain ...
— The Columbiad • Joel Barlow

... perfect justification. All our sins are forever put away, because they were borne and paid for by His death on the cross. The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. All has been righteously and forever settled. "Who shall bring any accusation against God's elect? It is God who justifies, who is he that condemns? It is Christ who has died." "There is therefore now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus." We have perfect Peace with God. Peace has been made in the blood of the cross. It can never be unmade. We have ...
— The Work Of Christ - Past, Present and Future • A. C. Gaebelein

... convention to frame the organic law for the proposed State of Minnesota had been called to convene in St. Paul, on the thirteenth day of July, 1857, and the people of the Minnesota valley had done me the honor to elect me a member of it. I had delayed starting for St. Paul until a day or two before the meeting of the convention, and having heard rumors that there would be trouble in organizing it, I felt very anxious to be there on the opening day. The only mode of transportation, except the river, in those ...
— The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier • Charles E. Flandrau

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