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Easy   /ˈizi/   Listen
Easy  adj.  (compar. easier; superl. easiest)  
At ease; free from pain, trouble, or constraint; as:
Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like; quiet; as, the patient is easy.
Free from care, responsibility, discontent, and the like; not anxious; tranquil; as, an easy mind.
Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth; as, easy manners; an easy style. "The easy vigor of a line."
Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much exertion; affording ease or rest; as, an easy carriage; a ship having an easy motion; easy movements, as in dancing. "Easy ways to die."
Not difficult; requiring little labor or effort; slight; inconsiderable; as, an easy task; an easy victory. "It were an easy leap."
Causing ease; giving freedom from care or labor; furnishing comfort; commodious; as, easy circumstances; an easy chair or cushion.
Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable; yielding; complying; ready. "He gained their easy hearts." "He is too tyrannical to be an easy monarch."
Moderate; sparing; frugal. (Obs.)
(Com.) Not straitened as to money matters; as, the market is easy; opposed to tight.
Honors are easy (Card Playing), said when each side has an equal number of honors, in which case they are not counted as points.
Synonyms: Quiet; comfortable; manageable; tranquil; calm; facile; unconcerned.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Easy" Quotes from Famous Books

... if those young men had come again to hoe their field. But it turned out, most unfortunately, that they were busy. To their great regret they were too busy to come. They had been working under a free-and-easy arrangement. Each man was to give what time he could every Saturday. It was left to every man's honour to do what he could. There was no compulsion. Each man trusted the others to be there. In fact the thing was not only an experiment ...
— Frenzied Fiction • Stephen Leacock

... wrong; for it was the trick the bushman learns when he plods through leagues of undergrowth and fallen branches, or the tall grass of the swamps; and it is a memorable experience to make a day's journey with such a man. For the first hour the thing seems easy, as the pace is never forced, but the speed never slackens; and as the hours go by the novice, who flounders and stumbles, grows horribly weary of trying to keep up with ...
— Masters of the Wheat-Lands • Harold Bindloss

... easy to extend the martyrology of inventors, and to cite the names of other equally distinguished men who have, without any corresponding advantage to themselves, contributed to the industrial progress of the age,—for it has too often happened that genius has planted the tree, of which patient dulness ...
— Self Help • Samuel Smiles

... the great easy chair, which had been moved into summer quarters beside the window, heard the slow soft step she had learned to know so well, and before she had time to get up, found her hand in ...
— We Two • Edna Lyall

... the southern horizon; and by the aid of their very powerful telescopes the travellers were able to identify her as one of the Atlantic liners. Half an hour later a sail was discovered on the starboard bow; and, from the fact that she was heading to the northward under easy canvas, they rightly concluded that she was a whaler. They passed this vessel within a distance of a dozen miles, and at this point were able to so minutely examine her with their telescopes that they could distinctly make out the figure of a man perched aloft in the "crow's nest" on the look-out, ...
— The Log of the Flying Fish - A Story of Aerial and Submarine Peril and Adventure • Harry Collingwood

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