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Departed   /dɪpˈɑrtəd/  /dɪpˈɑrtɪd/   Listen
Depart  v. t.  
To part thoroughly; to dispart; to divide; to separate. (Obs.) "Till death departed them, this life they lead."
To divide in order to share; to apportion. (Obs.) "And here is gold, and that full great plentee, That shall departed been among us three."
To leave; to depart from. "He departed this life." "Ere I depart his house."

Depart  v. i.  (past & past part. departed; pres. part. departing)  
To part; to divide; to separate. (Obs.)
To go forth or away; to quit, leave, or separate, as from a place or a person; to withdraw; opposed to arrive; often with from before the place, person, or thing left, and for or to before the destination. "I will depart to mine own land." "Ere thou from hence depart." "He which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart."
To forsake; to abandon; to desist or deviate (from); not to adhere to; with from; as, we can not depart from our rules; to depart from a title or defense in legal pleading. "If the plan of the convention be found to depart from republican principles."
To pass away; to perish. "The glory is departed from Israel."
To quit this world; to die. "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace."
To depart with, to resign; to part with. (Obs.)

departed  adj.  
Past; used of time; as, departed summers.
Synonyms: bygone, bypast, foregone, gone.
Dead; as, our dear departed parents. (euphemistic)
Synonyms: asleep(predicate), at peace(predicate), at rest(predicate), cold, deceased, gone.

departed  n.  Someone who is no longer alive; as, let us pray for the departed.
Synonyms: dead person, dead soul, deceased person, deceased, decedent.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Departed" Quotes from Famous Books

... head until it touched his breast; I felt my life was being drawn from me, but before consciousness utterly departed and was swallowed up in that larger life, I learned something of the secret of their being; I lived within the minds of men, but their thoughts were not my thoughts; I hung like a crown over everything, ...
— AE in the Irish Theosophist • George William Russell

... was carried away, and public interest departed with it. Azuma-zi remained very quietly at his furnace, seeing over and over again in the coals a figure that wriggled violently and became still. An hour after the murder, to any one coming into the shed it would have looked exactly as if nothing remarkable had ever happened ...
— The Country of the Blind, And Other Stories • H. G. Wells

... departed peacefully to bed, leaving Ainger to wonder what was the use of being the captain of a house when your main occupation is to put out fires kindled by the juniors, and be patted on the back by ...
— The Master of the Shell • Talbot Baines Reed

... manner their contents were deposited. From each grave a small urn was taken, containing the ashes of one cremated human body, and upon the mouth of the urn was found, in each instance, a Roman obolus, which had been deposited there to pay the ferriage of the soul of the departed over the Stygian river. General Grant was presented with some of these coins as ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885 • Various

... her daughter to depart, till, worn out by perplexities, she at last consented, but bade the Archduchess, previous to setting off for this much desired country of her new husband, to go down to the tombs, and in the vaults of her ancestors offer up to Heaven a fervent prayer for the departed souls of those she ...
— The Secret Memoirs of Louis XV./XVI, Complete • Madame du Hausset, an "Unknown English Girl" and the Princess Lamballe

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