dehydrate v. t. To deprive of water; to render free from water; as, to dehydrate alcohol; to dehydrate food for preservation.
dehydrate v. i.
To lose water or moisture.
To lose sufficent water to cause physiological distress; of living organisms; as, victims trapped in the earthquake rubble may dehydrate if not found quickly.
dehydrated adj.
Thoroughly dried out.
Synonyms:desiccated, dried-out.
Suffering from fluid deprivation; as, to become deydrated from overexertion on a hot day.
... no human throat could quite have duplicated accurately, arose thinly from the depths of a powder-dry gulch, water-scarred from an inconceivable antiquity. The noon-day Sun was red and huge. The air was tenuous, dehydrated, chill. ... — The Eternal Wall • Raymond Zinke Gallun