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Daughter cell   /dˈɔtər sɛl/   Listen
Daughter  n.  (pl. daughters; obs. pl. daughtren)  
The female offspring of the human species; a female child of any age; applied also to the lower animals.
A female descendant; a woman. "This woman, being a daughter of Abraham." "Dinah, the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughter of the land."
A son's wife; a daughter-in-law. "And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters."
A term of address indicating parental interest. "Daughter, be of good comfort."
Daughter cell (Biol.), one of the cells formed by cell division. See Cell division, under Division.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Daughter cell" Quotes from Famous Books

... this method of division of the chromosomes it follows that the daughter cells would be equivalent to each other and equivalent also to the undivided egg. If the original chromosomes contained potentially all the hereditary traits handed down from parent to child, the chromosomes of each daughter cell will contain similar hereditary traits. If, therefore, the original fertilized egg possessed the power of developing into an adult like the parent, each of the daughter cells should likewise possess the power of developing into a similar adult. And thus each cell which ...
— The Story of the Living Machine • H. W. Conn

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