Crawling, or moving close to the ground. "Every creeping thing."
Growing along, and clinging to, the ground, or to a wall, etc., by means of rootlets or tendrils. "Casements lined with creeping herbs."
Creeping crowfoot (Bot.), a plant, the Ranunculus repens.
Creeping snowberry, an American plant (Chiogenes hispidula) with white berries and very small round leaves having the flavor of wintergreen.
Snowberry n. (Bot.) A name of several shrubs with white berries; as, the Symphoricarpus racemosus of the Northern United States, and the Chiococca racemosa of Florida and tropical America.
... the eastern part of Massachusetts, grew abundantly between the rails,—as Labrador tea, kalmia glauca, Canada blueberry, (which was still in fruit, and a second time in bloom,) Clintonia and Linna Borealis, which last a lumberer called moxon, creeping snowberry, painted trillium, large-flowered bell-wort, etc. I fancied that the aster radula, diplopappus umbellatus, solidago lanceolatus, red trumpetweed, and many others which were conspicuously in bloom on the shore of the lake and ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. II, No. 8, June 1858 • Various