Cover v. t. (past & past part. covered; pres. part. covering) 1.To overspread the surface of (one thing) with another; as, to cover wood with paint or lacquer; to cover a table with a cloth.
2.To envelop; to clothe, as with a mantle or cloak. "And with the majesty of darkness round Covers his throne." "All that beauty than doth cover thee."
3.To invest (one's self with something); to bring upon (one's self); as, he covered himself with glory. "The powers that covered themselves with everlasting infamy by the partition of Poland."
4.To hide sight; to conceal; to cloak; as, the enemy were covered from our sight by the woods. "A cloud covered the mount." "In vain shou striv'st to cover shame with shame."
5.To brood or sit on; to incubate. "While the hen is covering her eggs, the male... diverts her with his songs."
6.To overwhelm; to spread over. "The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen."
7.To shelter, as from evil or danger; to protect; to defend; as, the cavalry covered the retreat. "His calm and blameless life Does with substantial blessedness abound, And the soft wings of peace cover him round."
8.To remove from remembrance; to put away; to remit. "Blessed is he whose is covered."
9.To extend over; to be sufficient for; to comprehend, include, or embrace; to account for or solve; to counterbalance; as, a mortgage which fully covers a sum loaned on it; a law which covers all possible cases of a crime; receipts than do not cover expenses.
10.To put the usual covering or headdress on. "Cover thy head...; nay, prithee, be covered."
11.To copulate with (a female); to serve; as, a horse covers a mare; said of the male.
To cover ground or To cover distance, to pass over; as, the rider covered the ground in an hour.
To cover one's short contracts (Stock Exchange), to buy stock when the market rises, as a dealer who has sold short does in order to protect himself.
Covering party (Mil.), a detachment of troops sent for the protection of another detachment, as of men working in the trenches.
To cover into, to transfer to; as, to cover into the treasury.
Synonyms: To shelter; screen; shield; hide; overspread.
Covet v. t. (past & past part. covered; pres. part. coveting) 1.To wish for with eagerness; to desire possession of; used in a good sense. "Covet earnestly the best gifts." "If it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul alive."
2.To long for inordinately or unlawfully; to hanker after (something forbidden). "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house."
Synonyms: To long for; desire; hanker after; crave.
Covered adj. Under cover; screened; sheltered; not exposed; hidden. Covered way (Fort.), a corridor or banquette along the top of the counterscarp and covered by an embankment whose slope forms the glacis. It gives the garrison an open line of communication around the works, and a standing place beyond the ditch.