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Consumption   /kənsˈəmpʃən/  /kənsˈəmʃən/   Listen
Consumption  n.  
The act or process of consuming by use, waste, etc.; decay; destruction. "Every new advance of the price to the consumer is a new incentive to him to retrench the quality of his consumption."
The state or process of being consumed, wasted, or diminished; waste; diminution; loss; decay.
(Med.) A progressive wasting away of the body; esp., that form of wasting, attendant upon pulmonary phthisis and associated with cough, spitting of blood, hectic fever, etc.; pulmonary phthisis; called also pulmonary consumption.
Consumption of the bowels (Med.), inflammation and ulceration of the intestines from tubercular disease.
Synonyms: Decline; waste; decay. See Decline.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Consumption" Quotes from Famous Books

... Lord's dealings with me. I shall begin with what I met when I first did join in fellowship with the people of God in Bedford. Upon a time I was suddenly seized with much sickness, and was inclining towards consumption. Now I began to give myself up to fresh serious examination, and there came flocking into my mind an innumerable company of my sins and transgressions, my soul also being greatly tormented between these two considerations: Live I must not, die I dare not. But as I was walking up and ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol IX. • Edited by Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton

... a trampled track across a newly-enclosed piece of ground, which Mr Inglis had lately purchased near the village, and Sam had planted with potatoes for home consumption. It certainly was annoying, for a ditch had been cut round it, a bank made, and, on the top, a neat little hedge of hawthorn planted; but some idle people were in the habit of jumping across the ditch, trampling down the little hedge, and then making ...
— Hollowdell Grange - Holiday Hours in a Country Home • George Manville Fenn

... livor, emulation, which cause the like grievances, and are, serrae animae, the saws of the soul, [1712]consternationis pleni affectus, affections full of desperate amazement; or as Cyprian describes emulation, it is [1713]"a moth of the soul, a consumption, to make another man's happiness his misery, to torture, crucify, and execute himself, to eat his own heart. Meat and drink can do such men no good, they do always grieve, sigh, and groan, day and night without intermission, their breast is torn asunder:" and a little after, ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... bearing the marks of the cruelest poverty, a stove, an artist's easel, a pallet spread directly on the grimy floor, and upon it a man in the last stage of consumption. He glanced up at Indiman and waved his hand feebly. He tried to speak, but his voice died away in his throat; Indiman knelt by his side to ...
— The Gates of Chance • Van Tassel Sutphen

... fact of such young children being bereaved of BOTH parents is, generally, a plain proof that their parents were very sickly and unhealthy persons, as indeed has generally been the case, since the greater part of the parents of these children died in consumption, which I learn from the certificates of their death. 2. One of the Orphans, who had been above ten years in the house, left the Institution without leave, and went to her friends for two or three days; and for an example to the other ...
— A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Mueller - Written by Himself, Fourth Part • George Mueller

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