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Consent   /kənsˈɛnt/   Listen
Consent  n.  
Agreement in opinion or sentiment; the being of one mind; accord. "All with one consent began to make excuse." "They fell together all, as by consent."
Correspondence in parts, qualities, or operations; agreement; harmony; coherence. "The melodious consent of the birds." "Such is the world's great harmony that springs From union, order, full consent of things."
Voluntary accordance with, or concurrence in, what is done or proposed by another; acquiescence; compliance; approval; permission. "Thou wert possessed of David's throne By free consent of all."
(Law) Capable, deliberate, and voluntary assent or agreement to, or concurrence in, some act or purpose, implying physical and mental power and free action.
(Physiol.) Sympathy. See Sympathy, 4.
Synonyms: Assent; acquiescence; concurrence; agreement; approval; permission. See Assent.
Age of consent (Law), an age, fixed by statute and varying in different jurisdictions, at which one is competent to give consent. Sexual intercourse with a female child under the age of consent is punishable as rape.

Consent  v. t.  To grant; to allow; to assent to; to admit. (Obs.) "Interpreters... will not consent it to be a true story."

Consent  v. i.  (past & past part. consented; pres. part. consenting)  
To agree in opinion or sentiment; to be of the same mind; to accord; to concur. "And Saul was consenting unto his death." "Flourishing many years before Wyclif, and much consenting with him in jugdment."
To indicate or express a willingness; to yield to guidance, persuasion, or necessity; to give assent or approval; to comply. "My poverty, but not my will, consents." "And whispering "I will ne'er consent," consented."
Synonyms: To accede; yield; assent; comply; agree; allow; concede; permit; admit; concur; acquiesce.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Consent" Quotes from Famous Books

... resumed timidly, "permit me to try, not to exculpate myself, but to tell you how, from involuntary misleadings, I have reached, almost in spite of myself, actions—infamous—I acknowledge." The viscount took the silence of his father for a tacit consent, and continued: ...
— The Mysteries of Paris V2 • Eugene Sue

... itself altogether unnecessary (which I have inserted only to prevent all possibility of cavilling), since every candid reader will easily understand my discourse to be intended only in defence of nominal Christianity, the other having been for some time wholly laid aside by general consent, as utterly inconsistent with all our present schemes of ...
— The Battle of the Books - and Other Short Pieces • Jonathan Swift

... called by the natives manggis and manggista (Garcinia mangostana, L.) is the pride of these countries, to which it exclusively belongs, and has, by general consent, obtained, in the opinion of Europeans, the pre-eminence amongst Indian fruits. Its characteristic quality is extreme delicacy of flavour, without being rich or luscious. It is a drupe of a brownish-red colour, ...
— The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden

... Pilate; but in all that, Christ saw God, and He was content. Give over your life, in all its phases, into the hands of Jesus; remembering that the very hairs of your head are numbered, and not a sparrow falls to earth without the Father's notice. Consent now and say: "I will give up everything into the hands of Jesus. Whatever happens is His will regarding me. Whether He comes in the light or in the dark, in the storm or on the troubled sea, I will rest in that blessed assurance. I give up my whole ...
— The Master's Indwelling • Andrew Murray

... sufficed to keep his voice toned down. But he danced and swung his arms, and threw himself here and there in a way that would have made a spectator certain that he was hilariously crazy. Not until he was thoroughly used up did he consent to pause and take a breathing spell. Then he gasped out, as well as he could, during his ...
— The Cave in the Mountain • Lieut. R. H. Jayne

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