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Confide   /kənfˈaɪd/   Listen
Confide  v. t.  To intrust; to give in charge; to commit to one's keeping; followed by to. "Congress may... confide to the Circuit jurisdiction of all offenses against the United States."

Confide  v. i.  (past & past part. confided; pres. part. confiding)  To put faith (in); to repose confidence; to trust; usually followed by in; as, the prince confides in his ministers. "By thy command I rise or fall, In thy protection I confide." "Judge before friendships, then confide till death."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Confide" Quotes from Famous Books

... she would confide in grandma, when Mrs. Polly sent her over there on an errand and she had felt unusually aggrieved because she had had to wind quills, or hetchel, instead of going berrying, or ...
— The Pot of Gold - And Other Stories • Mary E. Wilkins

... you are bound by reverence to come, however unworthy. If He bids you, you must obey, however much afraid. You must trust Him; you must take Him at His word; you must confide in His goodness, in His justice, in His wisdom: and since He bids you, go boldly to His throne, and find Him what He is, ...
— Westminster Sermons - with a Preface • Charles Kingsley

... postponed until the last moment. Perhaps after all she would not need to ask him to stay; he might remain of his own accord. She watched him narrowly as she talked, and saw with alarm that there was anxiety in his face. Some care was worrying him, and she yearned to have him confide his trouble to her. And yet she talked and talked of other things. She noticed that he made but a poor pretence of eating, and that he allowed her to talk while he made few replies, and those absent-mindedly. At last he pushed back his chair with a ...
— Revenge! • by Robert Barr

... then induced the people to rely greatly on the judgment and integrity of the Congress; and they took their advice, notwithstanding the various arts and endeavors used to deter them from it. But if the people at large had reason to confide in the men of that Congress, few of whom had been fully tried or generally known, still greater reason have they now to respect the judgment and advice of the convention, for it is well known that some of the most distinguished members of that Congress, ...
— The Federalist Papers • Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison

... matters, and having left some persons in whom he could confide both at sea and on shore, to look to and secure the fleet under the charge of his brother Don James Columbus, he set out for Cibao, carrying with him all the necessary tools and implements for building a fort to keep that district under subjection, and for securing the Christians who ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. III. • Robert Kerr

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