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Commanding   /kəmˈændɪŋ/   Listen
Command  v. t.  (past & past part. commanded; pres. part. commanding)  
To order with authority; to lay injunction upon; to direct; to bid; to charge. "We are commanded to forgive our enemies, but you never read that we are commanded to forgive our friends." "Go to your mistress: Say, I command her come to me."
To exercise direct authority over; to have control of; to have at one's disposal; to lead. "Monmouth commanded the English auxiliaries." "Such aid as I can spare you shall command."
To have within a sphere of control, influence, access, or vision; to dominate by position; to guard; to overlook. "Bridges commanded by a fortified house." "Up to the eastern tower, Whose height commands as subject all the vale." "One side commands a view of the finest garden."
To have power or influence of the nature of authority over; to obtain as if by ordering; to receive as a due; to challenge; to claim; as, justice commands the respect and affections of the people; the best goods command the best price. "'Tis not in mortals to command success."
To direct to come; to bestow. (Obs.) "I will command my blessing upon you."
Synonyms: To bid; order; direct; dictate; charge; govern; rule; overlook.

Command  v. i.  
To have or to exercise direct authority; to govern; to sway; to influence; to give an order or orders. "And reigned, commanding in his monarchy." "For the king had so commanded concerning (Haman)."
To have a view, as from a superior position. "Far and wide his eye commands."

Commanding  adj.  
Exercising authority; actually in command; as, a commanding officer.
Fitted to impress or control; as, a commanding look or presence.
Exalted; overlooking; having superior strategic advantages; as, a commanding position.
Synonyms: Authoritative; imperative; imperious.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Commanding" Quotes from Famous Books

... being joined by a number of our countrymen, recently captured, we were attempted to be marshalled and paraded in military order, so as to make as grand a show as possible, while marching through the streets to prison. The first thing they did was to make us stand in platoons, and then the commanding officer stationed a soldier on the flanks of each platoon to keep us regular, and to march and wheel according to rule. The word was then given to march, when we all ran up together just as we were when the strutting captain Parker reviewed us on the deck of the Tenedos. ...
— A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. • Benjamin Waterhouse

... such commanding hauteur, she looked so like Floyd Vandecar when she threw up her head defiantly, that Cronk's big chest heaved with satisfaction. To take his grudge out upon her would be enough. He would cause her to suffer even more than had Midge. He waited for a few moments, with ...
— From the Valley of the Missing • Grace Miller White

... of a transient officer and not upon a strong public conviction, they are seeds that have no depth of soil. A vital and enduring reform in administrative methods, although it be but a return to the constitutional intention, can be accomplished only by the commanding impulse of public opinion. Permanence is secured by law, not by individual pleasure. But in this country law is only formulated public opinion. Reform of the Civil Service does not contemplate an invasion of the constitutional prerogative of the President ...
— American Eloquence, Volume IV. (of 4) - Studies In American Political History (1897) • Various

... was come to that, unless an attacking party of savages came provided with some form of ladder, they would be unable to mount to the deck. The bobstay having been removed, the gangways fortified, all this, with the commanding position the defenders would occupy, rendered the brig a thoroughly strong little fort, almost impregnable so long as the enemy did not think of enlisting fire in their service when they ...
— Fire Island - Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track • G. Manville Fenn

... by this road, Artie," replied Major Deck Lyon, commanding the first battalion, Riverlawn Cavalry, of Kentucky. "I should think the surroundings would begin to look familiar to you, even if we have been away from home ...
— An Undivided Union • Oliver Optic

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