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Chap   /tʃæp/   Listen
Chap  n.  
A cleft, crack, or chink, as in the surface of the earth, or in the skin.
A division; a breach, as in a party. (Obs.) "Many clefts and chaps in our council board."
A blow; a rap. (Scot.)

Chap  n.  
One of the jaws or the fleshy covering of a jaw; commonly in the plural, and used of animals, and colloquially of human beings. "His chaps were all besmeared with crimson blood." "He unseamed him (Macdonald) from the nave to the chaps."
One of the jaws or cheeks of a vise, etc.

Chap  n.  
A buyer; a chapman. (Obs.) "If you want to sell, here is your chap."
A man or boy; a youth; a fellow. (Colloq.)

Chap  v. t.  (past & past part. chapped; pres. part. chapping)  
To cause to open in slits or chinks; to split; to cause the skin of to crack or become rough. "Then would unbalanced heat licentious reign, Crack the dry hill, and chap the russet plain." "Nor winter's blast chap her fair face."
To strike; to beat. (Scot.)

Chap  v. i.  
To crack or open in slits; as, the earth chaps; the hands chap.
To strike; to knock; to rap. (Scot.)

Chap  v. i.  To bargain; to buy. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Chap" Quotes from Famous Books

... you had better tell that to the marines. I've seen too much of the world to have a country chap stuff me, now ...
— Frank, the Young Naturalist • Harry Castlemon

... Bellows. "You are a great chap, Pokey—you, with your poetry. I hope Tom isn't going to be affected by the lessons you teach. The idea of saying that a man is the greatest man in the world because he does what no one else has done! I guess nobody's never eaten ...
— Andiron Tales • John Kendrick Bangs

... to showing Gip tricks, odd tricks, and still odder the way they were done. He explained them, he turned them inside out, and there was the dear little chap nodding his busy bit of a head in the ...
— Twelve Stories and a Dream • H. G. Wells

... disheartened and fatigued by the nocturnal sally, did not make so much resistance as was expected. Liege was taken and miserably pillaged, without regard to sex or age, things sacred or things profane. These particulars are fully related by Comines in his Memoires, liv. ii, chap. 11, 12, 13, and do not differ much from the account of the same events given in the ...
— Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott

... had walked far that Huling was an amiable and likable chap. As the captain of the Salisbury nine, he certainly had no reason to be agreeable to the Morristown "ringer," even though Wayne did happen to be a ...
— The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories • Zane Grey

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