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At bottom   /æt bˈɑtəm/   Listen
Bottom  n.  
The lowest part of anything; the foot; as, the bottom of a tree or well; the bottom of a hill, a lane, or a page. "Or dive into the bottom of the deep."
The part of anything which is beneath the contents and supports them, as the part of a chair on which a person sits, the circular base or lower head of a cask or tub, or the plank floor of a ship's hold; the under surface. "Barrels with the bottom knocked out." "No two chairs were alike; such high backs and low backs and leather bottoms and worsted bottoms."
That upon which anything rests or is founded, in a literal or a figurative sense; foundation; groundwork.
The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, sea.
The fundament; the buttocks.
An abyss. (Obs.)
Low land formed by alluvial deposits along a river; low-lying ground; a dale; a valley. "The bottoms and the high grounds."
(Naut.) The part of a ship which is ordinarily under water; hence, the vessel itself; a ship. "My ventures are not in one bottom trusted." "Not to sell the teas, but to return them to London in the same bottoms in which they were shipped."
Full bottom, a hull of such shape as permits carrying a large amount of merchandise.
Power of endurance; as, a horse of a good bottom.
Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment.
At bottom, At the bottom, at the foundation or basis; in reality. "He was at the bottom a good man."
To be at the bottom of, to be the cause or originator of; to be the source of. (Usually in an opprobrious sense.) "He was at the bottom of many excellent counsels."
To go to the bottom, to sink; esp. to be wrecked.
To touch bottom, to reach the lowest point; to find something on which to rest.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"At bottom" Quotes from Famous Books

... B. Stuart, and taking two pieces of artillery and some prisoners, and forcing it to retreat across the Chickahominy. On the 12th Sheridan reached the second line of works around Richmond, then recrossed the Chickahominy, and after much hard fighting arrived at Bottom's Bridge the morning of the 13th. On the next day he was at Haxall's Landing on the James River, where he sent off his wounded and recruited his men and horses. On the 24th he rejoined the Army of the Potomac at Chesterfield, returning via ...
— Slavery and Four Years of War, Vol. 1-2 • Joseph Warren Keifer

... most nearly approximate the flavor of roasted ones. Break fresh eggs at the small ends, drain away the whites, break down the shells to deepish cups, each with a yolk at bottom, sprinkle yolks lightly with salt and pepper, add a bit of butter to each, then set shells upright, close over the bottom of a pan, pop the pan into a hot oven, bake twenty minutes, and serve piping hot. This Mammy gave us to keep from wasting yolks when wedding or Christmas cake demanded ...
— Dishes & Beverages of the Old South • Martha McCulloch Williams

... circle, the outside perpendicular, the inner sloping, and throw earth sufficient into the middle to form a little hill, two or three feet higher than the level of the lawn; the rest must be carried away. Then lay down the turf on the hill, and beat it well to settle. The ditch at bottom should be about three feet wide, and three and a half deep, with two or three drains at the bottom, covered with an iron grate, or a stone with holes, to carry off the hasty rains, in order to keep the rabbits dry. In the outside bank ...
— The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, • Mary Eaton

... burst out almost angrily. "Not an atom, do you hear? Whatever I may appear on top, at bottom I am a great skulking coward, and nothing more. Why, I couldn't even stay and take my punishment the other day. I ...
— The Deliverance; A Romance of the Virginia Tobacco Fields • Ellen Glasgow

... to bed. The hours of sleep are those when the body most freely exhales the waste matter of the system, and all the pores should be properly freed from impediments to this healthful operation. For this purpose, a large tin wash-pan should be kept for children, just large enough, at bottom, for them to stand in, and flaring outward, so as to be very broad at top. A child can then be placed in it, standing, and washed with a sponge, without wetting the floor. Being small at bottom, ...
— A Treatise on Domestic Economy - For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School • Catherine Esther Beecher

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