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Blast   /blæst/   Listen
Blast  n.  
A violent gust of wind. "And see where surly Winter passes off, Far to the north, and calls his ruffian blasts; His blasts obey, and quit the howling hill."
A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace; as, to melt so many tons of iron at a blast. Note: The terms hot blast and cold blast are employed to designate whether the current is heated or not heated before entering the furnace. A blast furnace is said to be in blast while it is in operation, and out of blast when not in use.
The exhaust steam from and engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast.
The sound made by blowing a wind instrument; strictly, the sound produces at one breath. "One blast upon his bugle horn Were worth a thousand men." "The blast of triumph o'er thy grave."
A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight. "By the blast of God they perish." "Virtue preserved from fell destruction's blast."
The act of rending, or attempting to rend, heavy masses of rock, earth, etc., by the explosion of gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; also, the charge used for this purpose. "Large blasts are often used."
A flatulent disease of sheep.
Blast furnace, a furnace, usually a shaft furnace for smelting ores, into which air is forced by pressure.
Blast hole, a hole in the bottom of a pump stock through which water enters.
Blast nozzle, a fixed or variable orifice in the delivery end of a blast pipe; called also blast orifice.
In full blast, in complete operation; in a state of great activity. See Blast, n., 2. (Colloq.)

Blast  v. t.  (past & past part. blasted; pres. part. blasting)  
To injure, as by a noxious wind; to cause to wither; to stop or check the growth of, and prevent from fruit-bearing, by some pernicious influence; to blight; to shrivel. "Seven thin ears, and blasted with the east wind."
Hence, to affect with some sudden violence, plague, calamity, or blighting influence, which destroys or causes to fail; to visit with a curse; to curse; to ruin; as, to blast pride, hopes, or character. "I'll cross it, though it blast me." "Blasted with excess of light."
To confound by a loud blast or din. "Trumpeters, With brazen din blast you the city's ear."
To rend open by any explosive agent, as gunpowder, dynamite, etc.; to shatter; as, to blast rocks.

Blast  v. i.  
To be blighted or withered; as, the bud blasted in the blossom.
To blow; to blow on a trumpet. (Obs.) "Toke his blake trumpe faste And gan to puffen and to blaste."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Blast" Quotes from Famous Books

... had already discharged a shower of arrows, and stones hurled from the slings of the powerful shepherds had dealt fatal wounds in the front ranks of the foe, when the blast of a trumpet rang out, summoning the garrison of the fortress behind the sloping walls and solid door. The Hebrews seemed to the commander too superior a force to fight, but duty required him to hold the fort until the arrival of the ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... forms in which iron is used—cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. Cast iron is crystalline and brittle. The product as it comes from the blast furnace is called pig-iron. In making such commodities as stoves, and articles that do not require great strength, the pig-iron is again melted and cast into moulds which give them the required shape. Cast iron contains from one to five per ...
— Commercial Geography - A Book for High Schools, Commercial Courses, and Business Colleges • Jacques W. Redway

... description, give a momentary impulse to the activity of the colonists, and create a temporary prosperity among them; but the shortness of his administration will always interrupt the completion of his projects, and the caprice, imbecillity, or injustice of some one or other of his successors, like the blast of the sirocco, wither up the tender shoots of prosperity, which a consistent and protecting government would have nurtured and brought to maturity. The experience of the past has sufficiently evinced the little dependence which is to be placed on the degree of countenance and protection which ...
— Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales and its Dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land • William Charles Wentworth

... of the opinion that it would be better in the morning. Saxon was troubled, and as she dozed off she knew that he was lying restlessly wide awake. A few minutes afterward, roused by a heavy blast of wind and rain on the canvas, she heard Billy softly groaning. She raised herself on her elbow and with her free hand, in the way she knew, manipulating his forehead and the surfaces around his eyes, soothed him off ...
— The Valley of the Moon • Jack London

... the South. One man will make one bale of cotton, others ten; your spindles and looms will be kept running by free men, and slavery will cease forever, as it should do. Slavery is a curse, a crime, a mildew, and must end, or war will blast our fair heritage ...
— Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 - Devoted To Literature and National Policy • Various

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