Yodle, Yodel v. t. & v. i. (past & past part. yodeled, yodled; pres. part. yodeling, yodling) To sing in a manner common among the Swiss and Tyrolese mountaineers, by suddenly changing from the head voice, or falsetto, to the chest voice, and the contrary; to warble.
... whenever I see his name in print now," pursued the newspaper man, "I always think of the burlesque chorus on the stage kicking their legs and yodeling jazzily and Big Bill Haywood staring with his one eye, saying good-bye with ... — A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago • Ben Hecht
... possibly in chase of a rabbit, gave vent to their yodeling cry, and awakened us from a sound sleep. They were in a little lateral canyon, which magnified and gave a weird, organ-like echo to their calls long after the coyotes themselves had ... — Through the Grand Canyon from Wyoming to Mexico • E. L. Kolb