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Wise   /waɪz/   Listen
Wise  adj.  (compar. wiser; superl. wisest)  
Having knowledge; knowing; enlightened; of extensive information; erudite; learned. "They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge."
Hence, especially, making due use of knowledge; discerning and judging soundly concerning what is true or false, proper or improper; choosing the best ends and the best means for accomplishing them; sagacious. "When clouds appear, wise men put their cloaks." "From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation."
Versed in art or science; skillful; dexterous; specifically, skilled in divination. "Fal. There was, mine host, an old fat woman even now with me; but she's gone. Sim. Pray you, sir, was't not the wise woman of Brentford?"
Hence, prudent; calculating; shrewd; wary; subtle; crafty. (R.) "Thou art... no novice, but a governor wily and wise." "Nor, on the other side, Will I be penuriously wise As to make money, that's my slave, my idol." "Lords do not care for me: I am too wise to die yet."
Dictated or guided by wisdom; containing or exhibiting wisdom; well adapted to produce good effects; judicious; discreet; as, a wise saying; a wise scheme or plan; wise conduct or management; a wise determination. "Eminent in wise deport."
To make it wise, to make it a matter of deliberation. (Obs.) "We thought it was not worth to make it wise."
Wise in years, old enough to be wise; wise from age and experience; hence, aged; old. (Obs.) "A very grave, state bachelor, my dainty one; He's wise in years, and of a temperate warmth." "You are too wise in years, too full of counsel, For my green experience."

wise  adj.  Way of being or acting; manner; mode; fashion. "All armed in complete wise." "To love her in my beste wyse." "This song she sings in most commanding wise." "Let not these blessings then, sent from above, Abused be, or spilt in profane wise." Note: This word is nearly obsolete, except in such phrases as in any wise, in no wise, on this wise, etc. " Fret not thyself in any wise to do evil." "He shall in no wise lose his reward." " On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel." Note: Wise is often used as a suffix in composition, as in likewise, nowise, lengthwise, etc., in which words -ways is often substituted with the same sense; as, noways, lengthways, etc.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Wise" Quotes from Famous Books

... we have nothing more to hope for, Captain Rombold; and we can only put our trust in the All-Wise and the All-Powerful, who never forsakes his children when they are fighting for right and justice," said Colonel Passford, after he had condoled with the commander on ...
— A Victorious Union - SERIES: The Blue and the Gray--Afloat • Oliver Optic

... ourselves. Mrs. Pedagog would find herself embarrassed once an hour, instead of, as at present, once a century. Mr. Whitechoker would hear of himself as having appeared by proxy in a roaring farce before our comedian had been with us two months. The wise sayings of our friend the School-Master would be spoken nightly from the stage, to the immense delight of the gallery gods, and to the edification of the orchestra circle, who would wonder how so much information could have got into the world ...
— The Idiot • John Kendrick Bangs

... and I felt a melancholy almost like my first regret for him, when I considered what joy, what happiness I lost, in missing his congratulations on a situation so much what he would have chosen for me— congratulations which, flowing from a mind such as his, so wise, so zealous, so sincere, might almost have reconciled me to it myself—I mean even then—for now the struggle is over, and I ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 1 • Madame D'Arblay

... Barbie. It looked like a race, sure enough. I was worried. Pluto was a high grade stallion Jabez had got after I lined up Starlight alongside the range ponies, an' he had the meanest temper I ever see put into a hoss. I had been tendin' him 'cause I'd got wise to the ways o' these thin-skinned fellers down at the Lion Head, but I never quite trusted him, an' I feared 'at maybe Barbie's goin' off without notice had riled the old man an' he had tried to ...
— Happy Hawkins • Robert Alexander Wason

... five years after our first glimpse of him, he stepped from the express at Redding, and, bag in hand, crossed the station platform and addressed himself to a wise-looking, freckle-faced youth of fourteen occupying the front seat of a ...
— The Lilac Girl • Ralph Henry Barbour

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