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Visit   /vˈɪzət/  /vˈɪzɪt/   Listen
Visit  n.  
The act of visiting, or going to see a person or thing; a brief stay of business, friendship, ceremony, curiosity, or the like, usually longer than a call; as, a visit of civility or respect; a visit to Saratoga; the visit of a physician.
The act of going to view or inspect; an official or formal inspection; examination; visitation; as, the visit of a trustee or inspector.
Right of visit (Internat. Law), the right of visitation. See Visitation, 4.

Visit  v. t.  (past & past part. visited; pres. part. visiting)  
To go or come to see, as for the purpose of friendship, business, curiosity, etc.; to attend; to call upon; as, the physician visits his patient.
Specifically: To go or come to see for inspection, examination, correction of abuses, etc.; to examine, to inspect; as, a bishop visits his diocese; a superintendent visits persons or works under his charge.
(Script.) To come to for the purpose of chastising, rewarding, comforting; to come upon with reward or retribution; to appear before or judge; as, to visit in mercy; to visit one in wrath. "(God) hath visited and redeemed his people."

Visit  v. i.  To make a visit or visits; to maintain visiting relations; to practice calling on others.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Visit" Quotes from Famous Books

... of my sojourn on shore was spent in a visit to Don Pedro's plantation in the vale, and it was dark when we arrived home. After the light refreshment which constitutes the evening meal of Cuba, Don Pedro pleaded business, and left the apartment—and for the first time that day I ...
— Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII. No. 3. March 1848 • Various

... creek above here. I think they're on a visit to the Shoshones. Eight hundred men they are, or more. Hit's more'n what it was with the Sioux on the Platte, fer ye're not so many now. An' any time now the main band may come. Git ready, men. Fer me, I must git back to my own train. They may be back ...
— The Covered Wagon • Emerson Hough

... plenty of food for meditation while Dr. Lambert paid his visit to his patient, and he found her apparently absorbed in a brown study when he ...
— Our Bessie • Rosa Nouchette Carey

... who interested herself in his welfare. Olga, after losing sight of him for nearly two years, by chance discovered his whereabouts and his circumstances, and twice in the past week had paid him a visit. ...
— The Crown of Life • George Gissing

... in the heart of Kaus to survey all the provinces and states of his empire. He wished to visit Turan, and Chin, and Mikran, and Berber, and Zirra. Having commenced his royal tour of inspection, he found the King of Berberistan in a state of rebellion, with his army prepared to dispute his authority. A severe battle ...
— Persian Literature, Volume 1,Comprising The Shah Nameh, The - Rubaiyat, The Divan, and The Gulistan • Anonymous

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