verb Vaunt v. t. To boast of; to make a vain display of; to display with ostentation. In the latter sense, the term usually used is flaunt. "Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up." "My vanquisher, spoiled of his vaunted spoil."
Vaunt v. t. To put forward; to display. (Obs.) "Vaunted spear." "And what so else his person most may vaunt."
Vaunt v. i. (past & past part. vaunted; pres. part. vaunting) To boast; to make a vain display of one's own worth, attainments, decorations, or the like; to talk ostentatiously; to brag. "Pride, which prompts a man to vaunt and overvalue what he is, does incline him to disvalue what he has."
noun Vaunt n. A vain display of what one is, or has, or has done; ostentation from vanity; a boast; a brag. "The spirits beneath, whom I seduced With other promises and other vaunts."
Vaunt n. The first part. (Obs.)
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