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True bill   /tru bɪl/   Listen
Bill  n.  
(Law) A declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law.
A writing binding the signer or signers to pay a certain sum at a future day or on demand, with or without interest, as may be stated in the document. (Eng.) Note: In the United States, it is usually called a note, a note of hand, or a promissory note.
A form or draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment; a proposed or projected law.
A paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods; a placard; a poster; a handbill. "She put up the bill in her parlor window."
An account of goods sold, services rendered, or work done, with the price or charge; a statement of a creditor's claim, in gross or by items; as, a grocer's bill.
Any paper, containing a statement of particulars; as, a bill of charges or expenditures; a weekly bill of mortality; a bill of fare, etc.
Bill of adventure. See under Adventure.
Bill of costs, a statement of the items which form the total amount of the costs of a party to a suit or action.
Bill of credit.
Within the constitution of the United States, a paper issued by a State, on the mere faith and credit of the State, and designed to circulate as money. No State shall "emit bills of credit."
Among merchants, a letter sent by an agent or other person to a merchant, desiring him to give credit to the bearer for goods or money.
Bill of divorce, in the Jewish law, a writing given by the husband to the wife, by which the marriage relation was dissolved.
Bill of entry, a written account of goods entered at the customhouse, whether imported or intended for exportation.
Bill of exceptions. See under Exception.
Bill of exchange (Com.), a written order or request from one person or house to another, desiring the latter to pay to some person designated a certain sum of money therein generally is, and, to be negotiable, must be, made payable to order or to bearer. So also the order generally expresses a specified time of payment, and that it is drawn for value. The person who draws the bill is called the drawer, the person on whom it is drawn is, before acceptance, called the drawee, after acceptance, the acceptor; the person to whom the money is directed to be paid is called the payee. The person making the order may himself be the payee. The bill itself is frequently called a draft. See Exchange.
Bill of fare, a written or printed enumeration of the dishes served at a public table, or of the dishes (with prices annexed) which may be ordered at a restaurant, etc.
Bill of health, a certificate from the proper authorities as to the state of health of a ship's company at the time of her leaving port.
Bill of indictment, a written accusation lawfully presented to a grand jury. If the jury consider the evidence sufficient to support the accusation, they indorse it "A true bill," otherwise they write upon it "Not a true bill," or "Not found," or "Ignoramus", or "Ignored."
Bill of lading, a written account of goods shipped by any person, signed by the agent of the owner of the vessel, or by its master, acknowledging the receipt of the goods, and promising to deliver them safe at the place directed, dangers of the sea excepted. It is usual for the master to sign two, three, or four copies of the bill; one of which he keeps in possession, one is kept by the shipper, and one is sent to the consignee of the goods.
Bill of mortality, an official statement of the number of deaths in a place or district within a given time; also, a district required to be covered by such statement; as, a place within the bills of mortality of London.
Bill of pains and penalties, a special act of a legislature which inflicts a punishment less than death upon persons supposed to be guilty of treason or felony, without any conviction in the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.
Bill of parcels, an account given by the seller to the buyer of the several articles purchased, with the price of each.
Bill of particulars (Law), a detailed statement of the items of a plaintiff's demand in an action, or of the defendant's set-off.
Bill of rights, a summary of rights and privileges claimed by a people. Such was the declaration presented by the Lords and Commons of England to the Prince and Princess of Orange in 1688, and enacted in Parliament after they became king and queen. In America, a bill or declaration of rights is prefixed to most of the constitutions of the several States.
Bill of sale, a formal instrument for the conveyance or transfer of goods and chattels.
Bill of sight, a form of entry at the customhouse, by which goods, respecting which the importer is not possessed of full information, may be provisionally landed for examination.
Bill of store, a license granted at the customhouse to merchants, to carry such stores and provisions as are necessary for a voyage, custom free.
Bills payable (pl.), the outstanding unpaid notes or acceptances made and issued by an individual or firm.
Bills receivable (pl.), the unpaid promissory notes or acceptances held by an individual or firm.
A true bill, a bill of indictment sanctioned by a grand jury.

True  adj.  (compar. truer; superl. truest)  
Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate, or the like; as, a true relation or narration; a true history; a declaration is true when it states the facts.
Right to precision; conformable to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate; as, a true copy; a true likeness of the original. "Making his eye, foot, and hand keep true time."
Steady in adhering to friends, to promises, to a prince, or the like; unwavering; faithful; loyal; not false, fickle, or perfidious; as, a true friend; a wife true to her husband; an officer true to his charge. "Thy so true, So faithful, love unequaled." "Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie."
Actual; not counterfeit, adulterated, or pretended; genuine; pure; real; as, true balsam; true love of country; a true Christian. "The true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." "True ease in writing comes from art, not chance."
(Biol.) Genuine; real; not deviating from the essential characters of a class; as, a lizard is a true reptile; a whale is a true, but not a typical, mammal. Note: True is sometimes used elliptically for It is true.
Out of true, varying from correct mechanical form, alignment, adjustment, etc.; said of a wall that is not perpendicular, of a wheel whose circumference is not in the same plane, and the like. (Colloq.)
A true bill (Law), a bill of indictment which is returned by the grand jury so indorsed, signifying that the charges to be true.
True time. See under Time.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"True bill" Quotes from Famous Books

... the grand jury for the county of Oxford found a true bill against Mary Blandy. The Town Hall, where the Assizes were usually held, was "then rebuilding," and as the University authorities had refused the use of the Sheldonian Theatre, the trial was appointed to take place next morning in the beautiful hall of the Divinity ...
— Trial of Mary Blandy • William Roughead

... grand jury endorse upon the bill their judgment of the truth or falsehood of the charge. If they think the accusation groundless, they write upon it, "not found," or "not a true bill;" in which case the bill is said to be ignored: but, on the other hand, if twelve at least are satisfied of the truth of the accusation, the words "true bill" are placed upon it. The bill is then said to be found. It then becomes an indictment, and is brought into court by ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXIX. January, 1844. Vol. LV. • Various

... society too, for he truly loved high society, treating squires and noblemen (who much affected his company) to the very best fare of the hostel. And they say that once the King's Justitiaries, being upon circuit, accepted his invitation, declaring merrily that if never true bill had been found against him, mine host should now be qualified to draw one. And so the landlords did; and he always paid them handsomely, so that all of them were kind to him, and contended for his visits. Let it be known in any township that Mr. Faggus was taking his leisure at the inn, and straightway ...
— Lorna Doone - A Romance of Exmoor • R. D. Blackmore

... to be those of Dr. George Parkman, and that the deceased had met his death at the hands of Professor J. W. Webster. The prisoner waived his right to a magisterial investigation, and on January 26, 1850, the Grand Jury returned a true bill. But it was not until March 17 that the Professor's trial opened before the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. The proceedings were conducted with that dignity and propriety which we look for in the courts ...
— A Book of Remarkable Criminals • H. B. Irving

... dead to natur, there's an end of the matter, and I've nothing more to say; but if you've any real blood left in you, you von't break my heart. Vy shouldn't your father have the pleasure of advancing the money? If it is a true bill, Aby, you sha'n't be ...
— Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 365, March, 1846 • Various

... pretty thick when they once begin. You'd have every adjective in the dictionary emptied over you. 'The irresistible Elma,' 'Radiant Miss Ramsden,' 'The beauteous English Rose.' Half the time it's only bluff, but with you it would be a true bill. You are ...
— Flaming June • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... palliative; softening, mitigation. reply, defense; recrimination &c 938. apology, gloss, varnish; plea &c. 617; salvo; excuse, extenuating circumstances; allowance, allowance to be made; locus paenitentiae[Lat]. apologist, vindicator, justifier; defendant &c. 938. justifiable charge, true bill. ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

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