"Bilateral" Quotes from Famous Books
... wide variety of situations that range from traditional bilateral boundary disputes to unilateral claims of one sort or another. Every international land boundary dispute in the "Guide to International Boundaries," a map published by the Department of State, is included. References to ... — The 1991 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.
... have been recorded of bilateral lesion of the auditory centre of the brain producing loss of hearing and loss of speech, the motor centres being unaffected. This is called Wernicke's sensory aphasia. The following case occurring in my own practice is probably ... — The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song • F. W. Mott
... entry refers to bilateral commitments of official development assistance (ODA) and other official flows (OOF). ODA is defined as financial assistance which is concessional in character, has the main objective to promote economic ... — The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency
... from the positions originally taken up. What Japan suggested was, roughly speaking, a mutual engagement to uphold the independence and integrity of the Chinese and Korean empires, and at the same time a bilateral arrangement by which the special interests of the two contracting parties in Manchuria and in Korea should be formally recognised, and the means of protecting them clearly defined. The scheme did not commend itself to the Russians. ... — Russia • Donald Mackenzie Wallace
... under the North Atlantic Treaty and be compatible with the common security and defence policy established within that framework. 5. The provisions of this Article shall not prevent the development of closer co-operation between two or more Member States on a bilateral level, in the framework of the WEU and the Atlantic Alliance, provided such co-operation does not run counter to or impede that provided for in this Title. 6. With a view to furthering the objective of this Treaty, and having in view the date of 1998 in the context of Article XII of the Brussels ... — The Treaty of the European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 7th February, 1992 • European Union
... natural selection and heredity, favored, possibly, by selectional breeding in China. He further maintains that the Chinese dancer is a variety of Mus musculus L. in which certain peculiarities of behavior appear because of bilateral defects in the brain. This author is not alone in his belief that the brain of the dancer is defective, but so far as I have been able to discover he is the only scientist who has had the temerity to appeal to natural ... — The Dancing Mouse - A Study in Animal Behavior • Robert M. Yerkes
... attention to the physical than to the mental correlates of crime. Thus, Lombroso and his followers subjected thousands of criminals to observation and measurement with regard to such physical traits as size and shape of the skull, bilateral asymmetries, anomalies of the ear, eye, nose, palate, teeth, hands, fingers, hair, dermal sensitivity, etc. The search was for physical "stigmata" characteristic of ... — The Measurement of Intelligence • Lewis Madison Terman
... I am inclined to believe that its necessity has had a more widespread influence in determining the diversities of animal coloration than any other cause whatever. To it may probably be imputed the singular fact that, whereas bilateral symmetry of coloration is very frequently lost among domesticated animals, it almost universally prevails in a state of nature; for if the two sides of an animal were unlike, and the diversity of coloration among domestic animals occurred in a wild state, easy recognition ... — Darwinism (1889) • Alfred Russel Wallace
... a vertebral column terminating in a prominent head; this column has an arch above and an arch below, forming a double internal cavity. The parts are symmetrically arranged on either side of the longitudinal axis of the body. In the Mollusks, also, the parts are arranged according to a bilateral symmetry on either side of the body, but the body has but one cavity, and is a soft, concentrated mass, without a distinct individualization of parts. In the Articulates there is but one cavity, and the parts are here again arranged on either side ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 • Various
... facts of development strengthen this idea; in the very earliest stages we have paired aortic arches, of which, the left only remains, a straight alimentary canal, and less asymmetrical kidneys. In the vast majority of animals the same bilateral symmetry is to be seen, but in the star-fish and sea-urchins, and in the jelly-fish, corals, sea anemones, and hydra, the general form of the animal is, instead, arranged round a centre, like a star and its rays, and the symmetry is ... — Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells |