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Undulate   /ˈəndʒəlˌeɪt/   Listen
Undulate  v. t.  (past & past part. undulated; pres. part. undulating)  To cause to move backward and forward, or up and down, in undulations or waves; to cause to vibrate. "Breath vocalized, that is, vibrated and undulated."

Undulate  v. i.  To move in, or have, undulations or waves; to vibrate; to wave; as, undulating air.

Undulate  adj.  Same as Undulated.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Undulate" Quotes from Famous Books

... Undertake entrepreni. Undertaking entrepreno. Underwrite garantii. Undesigned senvola, senintenca. Undignified malinda. Undisciplined malobeema. Undo malfari. Undo (the hair) malligi. Undress (one's self) malvesti, senvestigi. Undulate ondolinii. Undulating ondolinia. Undulation ondolinio. Unearthly supernatura. Uneasiness maltrankvileco. Uneasy maltrankvila. Unemployed senokupa. Unendurable nesuferebla. Unequal neegala. Unerring neerara, certa. Uneven ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... a die, Joe's hands caught and gripped the bar of the swinging trapeze. So far he was safe. The momentum of his jump carried him in a long swing, and he at once began to undulate himself to increase his swing. He must do this in order to get to ...
— Joe Strong The Boy Fire-Eater - The Most Dangerous Performance on Record • Vance Barnum

... he said, surveying his handiwork, which seemed to undulate as the cars swept past. "It runs to the cove—or ought to—" He stopped abruptly with ...
— In Search of the Unknown • Robert W. Chambers

... timid or breathless, which seizes the heart when one believes one's self in the vicinity of supernatural beings, in presence of those whom one does not know either how to divine or to lay hold of, to embrace or to charm. He always made the melody undulate like a skiff borne on the bosom of a powerful wave; or he made it move vaguely like an aerial apparition suddenly sprung up in this tangible and palpable world. In his writings he at first indicated ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... when he came to the May-apple he wrote that the sweetish fruit was "eaten by pigs and boys." This made William Hamilton Gibson remember his own boyish gorgings and he wrote: "Think of it boys. And think of what else he says of it: 'Ovary ovoid, stigma sessile, undulate, seeds covering the lateral placenta, each enclosed in an aril.' Now it may be safe for pigs and billy-goats to tackle such a compound as that, but we boys all like to know what we are eating, and I cannot but feel that the public health officials of every ...
— Some Spring Days in Iowa • Frederick John Lazell

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