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Underscore   /ˌəndərskˈɔr/   Listen
Underscore  v. t.  To draw a mark or line under; to underline.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Underscore" Quotes from Famous Books

... the carat (^) and underscore () introduce superscripts or subscripts respectively, of one character or a group enclosed in curly braces ({xyz}). Elsewhere underscores delimit italics in the text, and braces enclose the original page numbers ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II) • Augustus de Morgan

... Dragon," I added, "Wilkinson would recognize her if she were in the middle of a thousand sail, and indeed a farmer's boy would be able to distinguish her for her uncommon oddness of figure." I was satisfied to underscore the words "a rich ship," quite certain his imagination would be sufficiently fired by the expression. At anything further I durst not hint, as the letter would be open for ...
— The Frozen Pirate • W. Clark Russell

... typify &c (prefigure) 511; symbolize. put an indication, put a mark &c n.; note, mark, stamp, earmark; blaze; label, ticket, docket; dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk; print; imprint, impress; engrave, stereotype. make a sign &c n.. signalize; underscore; give a signal, hang out a signal; beckon; nod; wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink; gesticulate; raise the finger, hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand; saw the air, suit the action to the word [Hamlet]. wave a banner, unfurl a banner, hoist ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... by underscore marks is in italics (italics). The italic designation for single italized letters (such as variables in equations) and "foreign" abbreviations has been omitted for ease ...
— The Elements of Bacteriological Technique • John William Henry Eyre

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