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Beside   /bɪsˈaɪd/  /bˌisˈaɪd/   Listen
Beside  prep.  
At the side of; on one side of. "Beside him hung his bow."
Aside from; out of the regular course or order of; in a state of deviation from; out of. "(You) have done enough To put him quite beside his patience."
Over and above; distinct from; in addition to. Note: (In this use besides is now commoner.) "Wise and learned men beside those whose names are in the Christian records."
To be beside one's self, to be out of one's wits or senses. "Paul, thou art beside thyself."
Synonyms: Beside, Besides. These words, whether used as prepositions or adverbs, have been considered strictly synonymous, from an early period of our literature, and have been freely interchanged by our best writers. There is, however, a tendency, in present usage, to make the following distinction between them: 1. That beside be used only and always as a preposition, with the original meaning "by the side of; " as, to sit beside a fountain; or with the closely allied meaning "aside from", "apart from", or "out of"; as, this is beside our present purpose; to be beside one's self with joy. The adverbial sense to be wholly transferred to the cognate word. 2. That besides, as a preposition, take the remaining sense "in addition to", as, besides all this; besides the considerations here offered. "There was a famine in the land besides the first famine." And that it also take the adverbial sense of "moreover", "beyond", etc., which had been divided between the words; as, besides, there are other considerations which belong to this case. The following passages may serve to illustrate this use of the words: "Lovely Thais sits beside thee." "Only be patient till we have appeased The multitude, beside themselves with fear." "It is beside my present business to enlarge on this speculation." "Besides this, there are persons in certain situations who are expected to be charitable." "And, besides, the Moor May unfold me to him; there stand I in much peril." "That man that does not know those things which are of necessity for him to know is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides." Note: See Moreover.

Beside, Besides  adv.  
On one side. (Obs.)
More than that; over and above; not included in the number, or in what has been mentioned; moreover; in addition. "The men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides?" "To all beside, as much an empty shade, An Eugene living, as a Caesar dead." Note: These sentences may be considered as elliptical.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Beside" Quotes from Famous Books

... must needs go out, being young and very stupid, and feared of being afraid; a fear which a wise man has long cast by, having learned of the manifold dangers which ever and ever encompass us. And beside this folly and wildness of youth, perchance there was something, I know not what, of the joy we have in uncertainty. Mother, in fear of my missing home—though for that matter, I could smell supper, when ...
— Lorna Doone - A Romance of Exmoor • R. D. Blackmore

... degree. We find it again in the so-called "Begruessung" of the Dresden Gallery.[280] The picture is a large landscape, Jacob and Rachel meet and salute each other with a kiss. But the shepherd lying beneath the shadow of a chestnut tree beside a well has a whole Arcadia of intense yearning in the eyes of sympathy he fixes on the lovers. Something of this faculty, it may be said in passing, descended to Bonifazio, whose romance pictures are among the most ...
— Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3 - The Fine Arts • John Addington Symonds

... purpose, hearing how just God Decrees our debts be cancel'd. Ponder not The form of suff'ring. Think on what succeeds, Think that at worst beyond the mighty doom It cannot pass. "Instructor," I began, "What I see hither tending, bears no trace Of human semblance, nor of aught beside That my foil'd sight can guess." He answering thus: "So courb'd to earth, beneath their heavy teems Of torment stoop they, that mine eye at first Struggled as thine. But look intently thither, An disentangle with thy lab'ring view, ...
— The Divine Comedy, Complete - The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell • Dante Alighieri

... flag of the UK in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the Montserratian coat of arms centered in the outer half of the flag; the coat of arms features a woman standing beside a yellow harp with her arm ...
— The 2001 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... himself lifting a knee at the moment 'to help him over'; at football matches quarrels sometimes arise among the spectators by reason of an ill-placed kick coming from a too enthusiastic on-looker, behind one; undergraduates running on the tow-path beside their College boat in the races will hurry even faster than the boat in order to increase its speed; there is in each case an automatic bodily response increased by one's own desire. A person ACTS the part which he desires to be successful. He thinks to transfer his ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

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