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Quick time   /kwɪk taɪm/   Listen
Time  n.  (pl. times)  
Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof. "The time wasteth (i. e. passes away) night and day." "I know of no ideas... that have a better claim to be accounted simple and original than those of space and time."
A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future; a point or portion of duration; as, the time was, or has been; the time is, or will be. "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets."
The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived; age; period; era; as, the Spanish Armada was destroyed in the time of Queen Elizabeth; often in the plural; as, ancient times; modern times.
The duration of one's life; the hours and days which a person has at his disposal. "Believe me, your time is not your own; it belongs to God, to religion, to mankind."
A proper time; a season; an opportunity. "There is... a time to every purpose." "The time of figs was not yet."
Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition. "She was within one month of her time."
Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition; addition of a number to itself; repetition; as, to double cloth four times; four times four, or sixteen. "Summers three times eight save one."
The present life; existence in this world as contrasted with immortal life; definite, as contrasted with infinite, duration. "Till time and sin together cease."
(Gram.) Tense.
(Mus.) The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division; as, common or triple time; the musician keeps good time. "Some few lines set unto a solemn time." Note: Time is often used in the formation of compounds, mostly self-explaining; as, time-battered, time-beguiling, time-consecrated, time-consuming, time-enduring, time-killing, time-sanctioned, time-scorner, time-wasting, time-worn, etc.
Absolute time, time irrespective of local standards or epochs; as, all spectators see a lunar eclipse at the same instant of absolute time.
Apparent time, the time of day reckoned by the sun, or so that 12 o'clock at the place is the instant of the transit of the sun's center over the meridian.
Astronomical time, mean solar time reckoned by counting the hours continuously up to twenty-four from one noon to the next.
At times, at distinct intervals of duration; now and then; as, at times he reads, at other times he rides.
Civil time, time as reckoned for the purposes of common life in distinct periods, as years, months, days, hours, etc., the latter, among most modern nations, being divided into two series of twelve each, and reckoned, the first series from midnight to noon, the second, from noon to midnight.
Common time (Mil.), the ordinary time of marching, in which ninety steps, each twenty-eight inches in length, are taken in one minute.
Equation of time. See under Equation, n.
In time.
In good season; sufficiently early; as, he arrived in time to see the exhibition.
After a considerable space of duration; eventually; finally; as, you will in time recover your health and strength.
Mean time. See under 4th Mean.
Quick time (Mil.), time of marching, in which one hundred and twenty steps, each thirty inches in length, are taken in one minute.
Sidereal time. See under Sidereal.
Standard time, the civil time that has been established by law or by general usage over a region or country. In England the standard time is Greenwich mean solar time. In the United States and Canada four kinds of standard time have been adopted by the railroads and accepted by the people, viz., Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time, corresponding severally to the mean local times of the 75th, 90th, 105th, and 120th meridians west from Greenwich, and being therefore five, six, seven, and eight hours slower than Greenwich time.
Time ball, a ball arranged to drop from the summit of a pole, to indicate true midday time, as at Greenwich Observatory, England.
Time bargain (Com.), a contract made for the sale or purchase of merchandise, or of stock in the public funds, at a certain time in the future.
Time bill. Same as Time-table. (Eng.)
Time book, a book in which is kept a record of the time persons have worked.
Time detector, a timepiece provided with a device for registering and indicating the exact time when a watchman visits certain stations in his beat.
Time enough, in season; early enough. "Stanly at Bosworth field,... came time enough to save his life."
Time fuse, a fuse, as for an explosive projectile, which can be so arranged as to ignite the charge at a certain definite interval after being itself ignited.
Time immemorial, or Time out of mind. (Eng. Law) See under Immemorial.
Time lock, a lock having clockwork attached, which, when wound up, prevents the bolt from being withdrawn when locked, until a certain interval of time has elapsed.
Time of day, salutation appropriate to the times of the day, as "good morning," "good evening," and the like; greeting.
To kill time. See under Kill, v. t.
To make time.
To gain time.
To occupy or use (a certain) time in doing something; as, the trotting horse made fast time.
To move against time, To run against time, or To go against time, to move, run, or go a given distance without a competitor, in the quickest possible time; or, to accomplish the greatest distance which can be passed over in a given time; as, the horse is to run against time.
True time.
Mean time as kept by a clock going uniformly.
(Astron.) Apparent time as reckoned from the transit of the sun's center over the meridian.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Quick time" Quotes from Famous Books

... kept it secret, I don't suppose she ever exactly noticed when he did grow up. And when she died you could see that she was worried about what would become of him. I went for the doctor when she died. Steve got out a fast horse and I made some pretty quick time. When I got the doctor to the house I went into the room with him; and you could see she was n 't going to hold out much longer. She seemed to know it too. The last thing she said that night was, 'Good-bye, Stevie; don't go ...
— The Wrong Woman • Charles D. Stewart

... queen; whereas no respectable person can now dispense at the least with a travelling chariot, a barouche, a cab, and a dennet. Civilization, which received a temporary check during the revolutionary war, has resumed its march in double-quick time since the Continent has been opened. Champaigne and ices have now become absolute necessaries at tables where a bottle of humble port and a supernumerary pudding were esteemed luxuries, fit only for honouring the more solemn rites ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 381 Saturday, July 18, 1829 • Various

... little thing,' said Miss Mouse, when she had got it safe in her arms, 'but—oh it's going to bite me,' and but for fear of hurting it, she would have got rid of master puppy in double-quick time. ...
— Miss Mouse and Her Boys • Mrs. Molesworth

... grateful. To a certain extent he was between the devil and the deep sea. Desperately as he was situated now, he could not afford to dismiss Berrington altogether. To do that would be to bring the authorities down upon him in double quick time. True, Berrington, out of his deep affection for Mary, might give him as much rope as possible. And again, Sartoris did not quite know how far Berrington was posted as to the recent course of events. True, Berrington suspected him of knowing something of the ...
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... in order to lengthen his front,—but was more efficient in a charge against the enemy. The Spartan phalanx was stronger in defence, the Athenian more agile in attack. The attack was nearly irresistible, as the soldiers advanced with accelerated motion, corresponding to the double-quick time of modern warfare. This was first ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume III • John Lord

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