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Thick   /θɪk/   Listen
Thick  adj.  (compar. thicker; superl. thickest)  
Measuring in the third dimension other than length and breadth, or in general dimension other than length; said of a solid body; as, a timber seven inches thick. "Were it as thick as is a branched oak." "My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins."
Having more depth or extent from one surface to its opposite than usual; not thin or slender; as, a thick plank; thick cloth; thick paper; thick neck.
Dense; not thin; inspissated; as, thick vapors. Also used figuratively; as, thick darkness. "Make the gruel thick and slab."
Not transparent or clear; hence, turbid, muddy, or misty; as, the water of a river is apt to be thick after a rain. "In a thick, misty day."
Abundant, close, or crowded in space; closely set; following in quick succession; frequently recurring. "The people were gathered thick together." "Black was the forest; thick with beech it stood."
Not having due distinction of syllables, or good articulation; indistinct; as, a thick utterance.
Deep; profound; as, thick sleep. (R.)
Dull; not quick; as, thick of fearing. "His dimensions to any thick sight were invincible."
Intimate; very friendly; familiar. (Colloq.) "We have been thick ever since." Note: Thick is often used in the formation of compounds, most of which are self-explaining; as, thick-barred, thick-bodied, thick-coming, thick-cut, thick-flying, thick-growing, thick-leaved, thick-lipped, thick-necked, thick-planted, thick-ribbed, thick-shelled, thick-woven, and the like.
Thick register. (Phon.) See the Note under Register, n., 7.
Thick stuff (Naut.), all plank that is more than four inches thick and less than twelve.
Synonyms: Dense; close; compact; solid; gross; coarse.

Thick  adv.  
Frequently; fast; quick.
Closely; as, a plat of ground thick sown.
To a great depth, or to a greater depth than usual; as, land covered thick with manure.
Thick and threefold, in quick succession, or in great numbers. (Obs.)

Thick  v. t. & v. i.  To thicken. (R.) "The nightmare Life-in-death was she, Who thicks man's blood with cold."

Thick  n.  
The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest. "In the thick of the dust and smoke."
A thicket; as, gloomy thicks. (Obs.) "Through the thick they heard one rudely rush." "He through a little window cast his sight Through thick of bars, that gave a scanty light."
Thick-and-thin block (Naut.), a fiddle block. See under Fiddle.
Through thick and thin, through all obstacles and difficulties, both great and small. "Through thick and thin she followed him." "He became the panegyrist, through thick and thin, of a military frenzy."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Thick" Quotes from Famous Books

... about whose waist was a thick belt of leather, fastened by a chain to the wall, sat on a miserable cot, his face bowed in his hands. He did not look up at the white, cadaverous face and great, blazing orbs, which gleamed with fury upon him, although he knew full well that those ...
— The Witch of Salem - or Credulity Run Mad • John R. Musick

... "I don't think I could speak," again "I made no effort," or "I did not care to speak." Henrietta H. (Case 8) said, "I lost speech." She claimed that she did not move because she was tired and had a numb feeling. Mary C. (Case 7) said that her tongue had been thick and that she felt dull. Rose Sch. (Case 6) said during the psychosis that her head was upside down and retrospectively that she had been mixed up, could not remember well, did not feel like talking. ...
— Benign Stupors - A Study of a New Manic-Depressive Reaction Type • August Hoch

... moon pushed slowly up through the trees. Its uncertain light fell across the clearing. For the first time the thick pale smoke of the fire was visible, rising straight up until it cleared the tops of the willows, and then caught into swift, jagging lines as the soft wind struck it. A coyote wailed from the distant hills, and before his complaint was done another sound came through the hushing of the willows, ...
— The Untamed • Max Brand

... fitted remove the wedge and fill the split with paper as shown at figure 5. Then cover all wounds over with wax brushed on warm as at figure 6. The melted wax should be about the consistency of thick honey. Tie a paper sack over all as at figure 7. This should remain until scions begin to grow. It keeps them warm and prevents drying out by hot winds. In from ten days to three weeks the scions will have started sufficient to gradually remove the cover as at figure 8. In eight or ten days from ...
— Walnut Growing in Oregon • Various

... remarkable letter to have outdone himself; and Farnese—that sincere Farnese, in whose loyal, truth-telling, chivalrous character, the Queen and her counsellors placed such implicit reliance—could thenceforward no longer be embarrassed as to the course he was to adopt. To lie daily, through, thick, and thin, and with every variety of circumstance and detail which; a genius fertile in fiction could suggest, such was the simple rule prescribed by his sovereign. And the rule was implicitly obeyed, and the English sovereign thoroughly deceived. ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

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