1.A group of young animals, especially of young ducks; a brood; a litter. "A team of ducklings about her."
2.Hence, a number of animals moving together. "A long team of snowy swans on high."
3.Two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, wagon, sled, or the like. "A team of dolphins." "To take his team and till the earth." "It happened almost every day that coaches stuck fast, until a team of cattle could be procured from some neighboring farm to tug them out of the slough."
4.A number of persons associated together in any work; a gang; especially, a number of persons selected to contend on one side in a match, or a series of matches, in a cricket, football, rowing, etc.
5.(Zool.) A flock of wild ducks.
6.(O. Eng. Law) A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.