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Sweetened   /swˈitənd/   Listen
Sweeten  v. t.  (past & past part. sweetened; pres. part. sweetening)  
To make sweet to the taste; as, to sweeten tea.
To make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings; as, to sweeten life; to sweeten friendship.
To make mild or kind; to soften; as, to sweeten the temper.
To make less painful or laborious; to relieve; as, to sweeten the cares of life. "And sweeten every secret tear."
To soften to the eye; to make delicate. "Correggio has made his memory immortal by the strength he has given to his figures, and by sweetening his lights and shadows, and melting them into each other."
To make pure and salubrious by destroying noxious matter; as, to sweeten rooms or apartments that have been infected; to sweeten the air.
To make warm and fertile; opposed to sour; as, to dry and sweeten soils.
To restore to purity; to free from taint; as, to sweeten water, butter, or meat.

Sweeten  v. i.  To become sweet.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sweetened" Quotes from Famous Books

... witticisms, and the women languishing over his songs—was capable of the same sturdy self-reliance and simple adhesion to principle which might possibly have been in him, and forthcoming from him, under different conditions. Who shall touch pitch and not be defiled,—who treacle, and not be sweetened? At the same time, it is easy to carry charges of this kind too far, and not always through motives the purest and most exalted. It may be said without unfairness on either side that the sort of talents which Moore possessed brought him naturally ...
— The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore • Thomas Moore et al

... himself; alleging that it was too abstruse and complex for the comprehension of an ordinary servant. It was a potation, indeed, that might well make the heart of a toper leap within him; being composed of the richest and raciest wines, highly spiced and sweetened, with roasted apples ...
— Old Christmas From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving • Washington Irving

... whom all plenty flows, Obedient to her saintly lord, Viands to suit each taste, outpoured. Honey she gave, and roasted grain, Mead sweet with flowers, and sugar-cane. Each beverage of flavour rare, An food of every sort, were there: Hills of hot rice, and sweetened cakes, And curdled milk and soup in lakes. Vast beakers foaming to the brim With sugared drink prepared for him, And dainty sweetmeats, deftly made, Before the hermit's guests were laid. So well regaled, so nobly fed, The mighty army banqueted, And all the train, ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... the case with some other fleshy fruits. After the banana has attained its full growth, the final process of ripening commences, as it were, within itself; that is to say, the fruit ceases to depend upon the tree for sustenance or farther development. The pulp becomes gradually sweetened and softened, chiefly by the change of the starch into more or less of soluble sugar. When the bananas are shipped to our Northern markets they are as green as the leaves of the trees on which they grew. Most of us have seen cartloads ...
— Due South or Cuba Past and Present • Maturin M. Ballou

... these people as very like those which had been seen at Dusky Bay, only much more familiar. At dinner, it is said, they would not drink either wine or brandy, but took large quantities of water sweetened with sugar, of which they were very fond. They shewed extreme covetousness, but were readily induced to lay down what they had seized on. They seemed to have acquaintance with the value of iron, and highly prized ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 14 • Robert Kerr

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