Submerge v. t. (past & past part. submerged; pres. part. submerging)
To put under water; to plunge.
To cover or overflow with water; to inundate; to flood; to drown. "I would thou didst, So half my Egypt were submerged."
Submerge v. i. To plunge into water or other fluid; to be buried or covered, as by a fluid; to be merged; hence, to be completely included. "Some say swallows submerge in ponds."
... Missouri had already swallowed up two victims. On the first day we were there, I saw a third victim go under the drift of a small island within sight of his shrieking wife. The stock had rushed to one side of the boat, submerging the gunwale, and had precipitated the whole load into the dangerous river. One yoke of oxen that had reached the farther shore deliberately reentered the river with a heavy yoke on, and swam to the Iowa side; there they ... — Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail • Ezra Meeker
... a branch and tried to take advantage of it, using all my strength and skill to keep the tree from rolling over on King and submerging him completely. I can remember when we whirled under the steel bridge and the tree struck the breakwater of the middle pier; that checked us for a moment, and instead of sending us under, dragged ... — Caves of Terror • Talbot Mundy