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Stitch   /stɪtʃ/   Listen
Stitch  n.  
A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made.
A single turn of the thread round a needle in knitting; a link, or loop, of yarn; as, to let down, or drop, a stitch; to take up a stitch.
A space of work taken up, or gone over, in a single pass of the needle; hence, by extension, any space passed over; distance. "You have gone a good stitch." "In Syria the husbandmen go lightly over with their plow, and take no deep stitch in making their furrows."
A local sharp pain; an acute pain, like the piercing of a needle; as, a stitch in the side. "He was taken with a cold and with stitches, which was, indeed, a pleurisy."
A contortion, or twist. (Obs.) "If you talk, Or pull your face into a stitch again, I shall be angry."
Any least part of a fabric or dress; as, to wet every stitch of clothes. (Colloq.)
A furrow.
An arrangement of stitches, or method of stitching in some particular way or style; as, cross-stitch; herringbone stitch, etc.
Chain stitch, Lock stitch. See in the Vocabulary.
Pearl stitch, or Purl stitch. See 2nd Purl, 2.

Stitch  v. t.  (past & past part. stitched; pres. part. stitching)  
To form stitches in; especially, to sew in such a manner as to show on the surface a continuous line of stitches; as, to stitch a shirt bosom.
To sew, or unite together by stitches; as, to stitch printed sheets in making a book or a pamphlet.
(Agric.) To form land into ridges.
To stitch up, to mend or unite with a needle and thread; as, to stitch up a rent; to stitch up an artery.

Stitch  v. i.  To practice stitching, or needlework.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Stitch" Quotes from Famous Books

... communication, concatenation; meeting, reunion; assemblage &c 72. coition, copulation; sex, sexual congress, sexual conjunction, sexual intercourse, love-making. joint, joining, juncture, pivot, hinge, articulation, commissure^, seam, gore, gusset, suture, stitch; link &c 45; miter mortise. closeness, tightness, &c adj.; coherence &c 46; combination &c 48. annexationist. V. join, unite; conjoin, connect; associate; put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together [Fr.], tack together, fix together, bind ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... carpenters; but my Jack-of-all-trades was the most acceptable present I could make them. My tailor fell immediately to work, and made every one of them a shirt; after which, he learned the women how to sew and stitch, thereby to become the more helpful to their husbands. Neither were the carpenters less useful, taking in pieces their clumsy things; instead of which they made convenient and handsome tables, stools, bedsteads, cupboards, lockers, ...
— The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of - York, Mariner (1801) • Daniel Defoe

... chuck every stitch I own. Black hair and pale cheeks—they'd go with a Spanish dancer's costume—rose behind my ear, scarlet mantilla over one ...
— Main Street • Sinclair Lewis

... was silent, ruminating. The clock ticked, The Times crackled, the fire sent forth its rustling purr. Aunt Juley dropped another stitch. ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... swing. Thus it happened that, stripping down a parcel of gold lace a little too hastily, he rent the main body of his coat from top to bottom {110}; and whereas his talent was not of the happiest in taking up a stitch, he knew no better way than to darn it again with packthread thread and a skewer. But the matter was yet infinitely worse (I record it with tears) when he proceeded to the embroidery; for being clumsy of nature, and of temper impatient withal, beholding ...
— A Tale of a Tub • Jonathan Swift

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