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Stave   /steɪv/   Listen
Stave  v. t.  (past & past part. stove or staved; pres. part. staving)  
To break in a stave or the staves of; to break a hole in; to burst; often with in; as, to stave a cask; to stave in a boat.
To push, as with a staff; with off. "The condition of a servant staves him off to a distance."
To delay by force or craft; to drive away; usually with off; as, to stave off the execution of a project. "And answered with such craft as women use, Guilty or guiltless, to stave off a chance That breaks upon them perilously."
To suffer, or cause, to be lost by breaking the cask. "All the wine in the city has been staved."
To furnish with staves or rundles.
To render impervious or solid by driving with a calking iron; as, to stave lead, or the joints of pipes into which lead has been run.
To stave and tail, in bear baiting, (to stave) to interpose with the staff, doubtless to stop the bear; (to tail) to hold back the dog by the tail.

Stave  v. i.  (past & past part. stove or staved; pres. part. staving)  To burst in pieces by striking against something; to dash into fragments. "Like a vessel of glass she stove and sank."

Stave  n.  
One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure; esp., one of the strips which form the sides of a cask, a pail, etc.
One of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel; one of the bars or rounds of a rack, a ladder, etc.
A metrical portion; a stanza; a staff. "Let us chant a passing stave In honor of that hero brave."
(Mus.) The five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or printed; the staff (7). (Obs.)
Stave jointer, a machine for dressing the edges of staves.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Stave" Quotes from Famous Books

... best and richest and most beautiful household stuffs, and burn them to ashes in the great square, lest the enemy should take them and make trophies of them. Also there were men charged to set fire to all the stores and burn them, and to stave in all the wine-casks; others to set fire to every single house, to burn the enemy and us together. The citizens thus were all of one mind, rather than see the bloody knife at their throats, and their wives and daughters ...
— The Harvard Classics Volume 38 - Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology) • Various

... volunteers a remark, nothing is the matter. But if he merely answers "No-o-o!" he means yes, and in order to stave off sea-sickness he must ...
— A Poor Man's House • Stephen Sydney Reynolds

... with a rollicking stave at lip, And loud is the chorus skirled; With the burly rote of his rumbling throat He batters it down ...
— Ballads of Lost Haven - A Book of the Sea • Bliss Carman

... to fifteen, when the stave was concluded with a shrill "Spell, oh!" and the gang relieved, streaming with perspiration. When the saltpetre was well mashed, they rolled ton water-butts on it, till the floor was like a billiard table. A fleet of chop boats then began ...
— Hard Cash • Charles Reade

... like the sepulchral urns of our ancient tumuli, had been moulded by the hand, without the assistance of the potter's wheel; and to one of the fragments there stuck a minute pellet of gray hair. From under another heap he disinterred the handle-stave of a child's wooden porringer (bicker), perforated by a hole still bearing the mark of the cord that had hung it to the wall; and beside the stave lay a few of the larger, less destructible bones of the child, with what for a time ...
— The Cruise of the Betsey • Hugh Miller

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