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Bead   /bid/   Listen
Bead  n.  
A prayer. (Obs.)
A little perforated ball, to be strung on a thread, and worn for ornament; or used in a rosary for counting prayers, as by Roman Catholics and Muslims, whence the phrases to tell beads, to be at one's beads, to bid beads, etc., meaning, to be at prayer.
Any small globular body; as,
A bubble in spirits.
A drop of sweat or other liquid. "Cold beads of midnight dew."
A small knob of metal on a firearm, used for taking aim (whence the expression to draw a bead, for, to take aim).
(Arch.) A small molding of rounded surface, the section being usually an arc of a circle. It may be continuous, or broken into short embossments.
(Chem.) A glassy drop of molten flux, as borax or microcosmic salt, used as a solvent and color test for several mineral earths and oxides, as of iron, manganese, etc., before the blowpipe; as, the borax bead; the iron bead, etc.
Bead and butt (Carp.), framing in which the panels are flush, having beads stuck or run upon the two edges.
Bead mold, a species of fungus or mold, the stems of which consist of single cells loosely jointed together so as to resemble a string of beads. (Written also bead mould)
Bead tool, a cutting tool, having an edge curved so as to make beads or beading.
Bead tree (Bot.), a tree of the genus Melia, the best known species of which (Melia azedarach), has blue flowers which are very fragrant, and berries which are poisonous.

Bead  v. t.  (past & past part. beaded; pres. part. beading)  To ornament with beads or beading.

Bead  v. i.  To form beadlike bubbles.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bead" Quotes from Famous Books

... bead with fresh perspiration at the thought of bulkheads enclosing him once more, but he managed to smile, and then ask, hesitantly: "May I ... may I wait for the shuttle out ...
— Citadel • Algirdas Jonas Budrys

... left another column had attacked the French right, and in spite of the Sardinian guns which ploughed long lanes in their ranks, crossed the aqueduct and scaled the heights. But as they reached the plateau so terrible a storm of grape and musket-balls swept upon them, that the bead of the column melted away as it surmounted the crest. Fresh men took the place of those that fell, but when the French infantry, with a mighty cheer, rushed upon them, the Russians broke and ran. So great was ...
— Jack Archer • G. A. Henty

... sights, and we both fired out of the window with our rifles resting on the ledge. As I drew back I saw there was something queer with the boy, and noticed a splash of red on the lobe of his ear, just like a coral bead. ...
— Young Peoples' History of the War with Spain • Prescott Holmes

... plate on the stock for the bullets and the "patching." Below it hung the old powder-horn, its wooden plug dangling from a string,—tools of the long ago. Closing one's eyes one could see the tall grandsires fighting in the beech forest, a brown patch of hide sighted over the brass knife-blade bead, and death, and to load again with the flat neck of the bullet set in the palm of the hand and ...
— Dwellers in the Hills • Melville Davisson Post

... smaller straight blades to the larger and curved blades. In one or two cases the mid rib has been brought to a slight roof-ridge; and a fine example in the late Sir John Evans' collection shows a well-marked bead down the mid rib ("Bronze Implements," fig. 331); but in most cases the mid rib is quite plain with ...
— The Bronze Age in Ireland • George Coffey

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