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Snowy heron   /snˈoʊi hˈɛrən/   Listen
Snowy  adj.  
White like snow. "So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows."
Abounding with snow; covered with snow. "The snowy top of cold Olympus."
Fig.: Pure; unblemished; unstained; spotless. "There did he lose his snowy innocence."
Snowy heron (Zool.), a white heron, or egret (Ardea candidissima), found in the Southern United States, and southward to Chile; called also plume bird.
Snowy lemming (Zool.), the collared lemming (Cuniculus torquatus), which turns white in winter.
Snowy owl (Zool.), a large arctic owl (Nyctea Scandiaca, or Nyctea nivea) common all over the northern parts of the United States and Europe in winter time. Its plumage is sometimes nearly pure white, but it is usually more or less marked with blackish spots. Called also white owl.
Snowy plover (Zool.), a small plover (Aegialitis nivosa) of the western parts of the United States and Mexico. It is light gray above, with the under parts and portions of the head white.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Snowy heron" Quotes from Famous Books

... fringe. Some lighter fabric was worn under it, and encased the arms. The shapely neck and throat were bare, though almost hidden by a wealth of wavy golden tresses that flowed down her shoulders. Her hat appeared to have been constructed out of the skin of the snowy heron, with its beak and plumage preserved intact, and dressed into the jauntiest style. Leggings of strong buckskin, that formed a protection against the briers and roughness of the forest, were clasped around a slender ankle, and embroidered moccasins completed an attire that was not in the style ...
— The Galaxy, Volume 23, No. 2, February, 1877 • Various

... duck, snowy heron. No record of sandhill crane for the last 35 years. Greater yellow-leg is much scarcer than formerly, also Bartramian sandpiper. The only two birds which show an increase in the past few years are the ...
— Our Vanishing Wild Life - Its Extermination and Preservation • William T. Hornaday

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