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Sink   /sɪŋk/   Listen
Sink  n.  
A drain to carry off filthy water; a jakes.
A shallow box or vessel of wood, stone, iron, or other material, connected with a drain, and used for receiving filthy water, etc., as in a kitchen.
A hole or low place in land or rock, where waters sink and are lost; called also sink hole. (U. S.)
The lowest part of a natural hollow or closed basin whence the water of one or more streams escapes by evaporation; as, the sink of the Humboldt River. (Western U. S.)
Sink hole.
The opening to a sink drain.
A cesspool.
Same as Sink, n., 3.

Sink  v. t.  (past sank; past part. sunk, obs. sunken; pres. part. sinking)  
To cause to sink; to put under water; to immerse or submerge in a fluid; as, to sink a ship. "(The Athenians) fell upon the wings and sank a single ship."
Figuratively: To cause to decline; to depress; to degrade; hence, to ruin irretrievably; to destroy, as by drowping; as, to sink one's reputation. "I raise of sink, imprison or set free." "If I have a conscience, let it sink me." "Thy cruel and unnatural lust of power Has sunk thy father more than all his years."
To make (a depression) by digging, delving, or cutting, etc.; as, to sink a pit or a well; to sink a die.
To bring low; to reduce in quantity; to waste. "You sunk the river repeated draughts."
To conseal and appropriate. (Slang) "If sent with ready money to buy anything, and you happen to be out of pocket, sink the money, and take up the goods on account."
To keep out of sight; to suppress; to ignore. "A courtly willingness to sink obnoxious truths."
To reduce or extinguish by payment; as, to sink the national debt.

Sink  v. i.  (past sank; past part. sunk, obs. sunken; pres. part. sinking)  
To fall by, or as by, the force of gravity; to descend lower and lower; to decline gradually; to subside; as, a stone sinks in water; waves rise and sink; the sun sinks in the west. "I sink in deep mire."
To enter deeply; to fall or retire beneath or below the surface; to penetrate. "The stone sunk into his forehead."
Hence, to enter so as to make an abiding impression; to enter completely. "Let these sayings sink down into your ears."
To be overwhelmed or depressed; to fall slowly, as so the ground, from weakness or from an overburden; to fail in strength; to decline; to decay; to decrease. "I think our country sinks beneath the yoke." "He sunk down in his chariot." "Let not the fire sink or slacken."
To decrease in volume, as a river; to subside; to become diminished in volume or in apparent height. "The Alps and Pyreneans sink before him."
Synonyms: To fall; subside; drop; droop; lower; decline; decay; decrease; lessen.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sink" Quotes from Famous Books

... contrary to Deveny's wishes. For her father had told her about Lamo's men—how they were slaves to the will of the man whose deeds of outlawry had made him feared wherever men congregated; and she knew Lamo itself was a sink-hole of iniquity where women were swallowed by ...
— 'Drag' Harlan • Charles Alden Seltzer

... strayed aside from the path, stumbled, fallen, and, as it chanced, was received into one of those unsuspected apertures in the ground which are common in all cavernous countries, being sometimes the entrance to extensive caves, and which are here denominated "sink-holes." ...
— The Young Mountaineers - Short Stories • Charles Egbert Craddock

... scarlet, the rosy flush that had been coaxed into the young wife's cheeks during the long, dry, happy summer changed to a crimson spot, her eyes acquired a strained, longing, mournful expression, and after she had had an attack of coughing she would sink together as if the autumn winds had broken her as they had the stems of the mallow which were hanging from the trellis in the ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... forms and gods who were enemies of Troy, and before his eyes the whole city seemed to sink down into the fire. Even as a mountain oak upon the hills on which the woodmen ply their axes bows its head while all its boughs shake about it, till at last, as blow comes after blow, with a mighty groan it ...
— The Children's Hour, Volume 3 (of 10) • Various

... merchandise, which carries a check in its own tendency, the cause in its present extent can not be very long in duration. The evil will not, however, be viewed by Congress without a recollection that manufacturing establishments, if suffered to sink too low or languish too long, may not revive after the causes shall have ceased, and that in the vicissitudes of human affairs situations may recur in which a dependence on foreign sources for indispensable supplies may be ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

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