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Shut out   /ʃət aʊt/   Listen
Shut  v. t.  (past & past part. shut; pres. part. shutting)  
To close so as to hinder ingress or egress; as, to shut a door or a gate; to shut one's eyes or mouth.
To forbid entrance into; to prohibit; to bar; as, to shut the ports of a country by a blockade. "Shall that be shut to man which to the beast Is open?"
To preclude; to exclude; to bar out. "Shut from every shore."
To fold together; to close over, as the fingers; to close by bringing the parts together; as, to shut the hand; to shut a book.
To shut in.
To inclose; to confine. "The Lord shut him in."
To cover or intercept the view of; as, one point shuts in another.
To shut off.
To exclude.
To prevent the passage of, as steam through a pipe, or water through a flume, by closing a cock, valve, or gate.
To shut out, to preclude from entering; to deny admission to; to exclude; as, to shut out rain by a tight roof.
To shut together, to unite; to close, especially to close by welding.
To shut up.
To close; to make fast the entrances into; as, to shut up a house.
To obstruct. "Dangerous rocks shut up the passage."
To inclose; to confine; to imprison; to fasten in; as, to shut up a prisoner. "Before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed."
To end; to terminate; to conclude. "When the scene of life is shut up, the slave will be above his master if he has acted better."
To unite, as two pieces of metal by welding.
To cause to become silent by authority, argument, or force.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Shut out" Quotes from Famous Books

... far away, but he was always plain and blunt. 'If the affair did not come off'—he must have some doubts about the matter, else he would not even suppose such a thing. God knows what I should do then. There are other ways—other ways." He passed his hand over his eyes as he spoke, as though to shut out some ugly vision. Such a wan, strange expression played over his grim features that he was hardly to be recognized as the revered elder of the Trinitarian Chapel or the esteemed man ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... Aunt Mary?" The elder woman closed her eyes as if to shut out the ghoulish mockery. Then Aline saw the tabouret that stood between the windows—it was burdened with magnolias in ...
— Visionaries • James Huneker

... words, you'll shut out schools and knowledge, in order to keep slavery in existence. The Abolitionists claim it to be a relic of barbarism, and you admit it could not exist with general education among ...
— Among the Pines - or, South in Secession Time • James R. Gilmore

... with the Indians. By 1614 a rude fort had been erected near the site of Albany, and some trading huts had been put up on Manhattan Island. These ventures proved so profitable that numbers of merchants began to engage in the trade, whereupon those already in it, in order to shut out others, organized a company, and in 1615 obtained a trading charter for three years from the States General of Holland, and carried on their operations from Albany to ...
— A School History of the United States • John Bach McMaster

... Mark what followed. Three or four days after that document of thanks a French army was wedged up against the Belgian frontier, every means of escape shut out by a ring of flame from Prussian cannon. There was one way of escape. What was that? Violating the neutrality of Belgium. What did they do? The French on that occasion preferred ruin and humiliation to the breaking of their bond. [Loud applause.] The French Emperor, ...
— New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 - Who Began the War, and Why? • Various

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