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Wild   /waɪld/   Listen

(compar. wilder; superl. wildest)
Marked by extreme lack of restraint or control.  "Wild parties"
In a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated.  Synonym: untamed.  "Edible wild plants"
In a state of extreme emotion.  "Wild with grief"
Deviating widely from an intended course.  "He threw a wild pitch"
(of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud.  Synonym: violent.  "Her dress was a violent red" , "A violent noise" , "Wild colors" , "Wild shouts"
Without a basis in reason or fact.  Synonyms: baseless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted.  "The allegations proved groundless" , "Idle fears" , "Unfounded suspicions" , "Unwarranted jealousy"
Talking or behaving irrationally.  Synonym: raving mad.
Involving risk or danger.  Synonyms: hazardous, risky.  "Extremely risky going out in the tide and fog" , "A wild financial scheme"
Fanciful and unrealistic; foolish.  Synonym: fantastic.
Located in a dismal or remote area; desolate.  Synonyms: godforsaken, waste.  "A godforsaken wilderness crossroads" , "A wild stretch of land" , "Waste places"
Intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with.  Synonyms: crazy, dotty, gaga.  "He is potty about her"
Without civilizing influences.  Synonyms: barbarian, barbaric, savage, uncivilised, uncivilized.  "Barbaric practices" , "A savage people" , "Fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient" , "Wild tribes"
(of the elements) as if showing violent anger.  Synonyms: angry, furious, raging, tempestuous.  "Furious winds" , "The raging sea"
A wild primitive state untouched by civilization.  Synonyms: natural state, state of nature.  "They collected mushrooms in the wild"
A wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition.  Synonym: wilderness.
In an uncontrolled and rampant manner.  Synonym: rampantly.
In a wild or undomesticated manner.  "Roaming wild"

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"Wild" Quotes from Famous Books

... The Kapudan Pasha was wild with impatience. There they all were, just on the point of blooming, and he would be unable to see it. How he would have liked a contrary wind to have kept back the fleet for a day ...
— Halil the Pedlar - A Tale of Old Stambul • Mr Jkai

... and Thecla go to Antioch. 2 Alexander, a magistrate, falls in love with Thecla: 4 kisses her by force: 5 she resists him: 6 is carried before the governor, and condemned to be thrown to wild beasts. ...
— The Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, Complete • Archbishop Wake

... laughed. "It's made of the feathers plucked from the heads of wild ducks. This is a clear sign that our worthy ancestor is fond of you, for with all her love for Pao-yue, she hasn't given ...
— Hung Lou Meng, Book II • Cao Xueqin

... at his disposal. He had spent his early days in a small Jersey manor-house; here he was walking the halls of a palace with the step of assurance, the most honoured figure in a principality next to the sovereign himself. "Adoption and succession" were words that rang in his ears day and night. The wild dream had laid feverish hands upon him. Jersey, England, the ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... her, for the man's fire and passion had been unmistakable. She had made it plain to him that he could base no hopes upon her returning his love, and, in a scene which she even now shuddered to recall, he had revealed something of his wild and reckless nature. On the following day she did not see him, but two days later, when returning through the Bazaar from a dance which had been given by the Governor General, her carriage was stopped, she was forcibly dragged from its interior, and her cries were stifled with a cloth impregnated ...
— The Clue of the Twisted Candle • Edgar Wallace

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