"Venire" Quotes from Famous Books
... "many more than..."] qui, who or what, and cujas, of what country. [uncommon word: not a misprint for "cujus"] always recals this beautiful line of Ovid's [archaic spelling] some well-disposed sailor in a melodrame [archaic spelling] Malo a cive spoliari quam ab hoste venire. [that is, "vEnire" with long "e"] Having yeaned, she left the hope of the flock [archaic word] OF THE QUANTITY OF THE FIRST ... — The Comic Latin Grammar - A new and facetious introduction to the Latin tongue • Percival Leigh
... strongest convictions; and his being put in charge of the opening of the street of San Procolo, and making it safe for travel, "eo quod popularis comitatus absque strepitu et briga magnatum et potentum possunt secure venire ad dominos priores et vexilliferum justitiae cum expedit" (so that the common people may, without uproar and harassing of magnates and mighty men, have access whenever it be desirable to the Lord Priors and the Standard-Bearer of Justice), affords a comment on his own ... — Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern -- Volume 11 • Various
... a like manner as for jurors in the court of common pleas. The clerk shall forthwith certify the names so drawn to the magistrate, who, thereupon, shall issue to any constable, chief of police or marshal in the county a venire containing the names of the persons to serve as jurors in the case and make due return thereof. ... — Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921 • Anonymous
... endure, and what impresses him as a loss of time is a tension of the nerves, a moment of self-control, an interval of waiting without an immediate result There is, indeed, a popular Italian proverb: aspettare e non venire e una cosa da morire (to wait for what does not come is a killing business). These impatient persons are like those busybodies who always make off when there is really ... — Spontaneous Activity in Education • Maria Montessori
... gia, che facimmo commedie come cierti, che tagliano li panni aduosso a chisto, o a chillo; perche co lo tiempo se fa vedere chiu veloce lo taglio de no rasuolo, che la penna de no poeta; e ne manco boglio, che facimmo venire nella scena porta, citazioni, acquavitari, e crapari, e ste schifenze che tengo spropositi ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli |