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Variegated   /vˈɛrɪgeɪtəd/   Listen

Having a variety of colors.  Synonyms: varicolored, varicoloured.


(past & past part. variegated; pres. part. variegating)
Change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors.
Make something more diverse and varied.  Synonyms: motley, vary.

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"Variegated" Quotes from Famous Books

... in the many-colored madras, which around the temples was folded up into graceful knots holding together her chestnut-brown hair—in this dress Josephine would swing for hours in her hammock made of homespun silk and ornamented with borders of feathers from the variegated iridescent ...
— The Empress Josephine • Louise Muhlbach

... largest of the family of shore birds, having a length of about 24 inches. Its plumage is of a buffy color, much variegated above with black and brown; the bill is strongly curved downward and is from four to eight inches in length. Their nests are located on the ground in meadows or on the prairies, and three or four eggs are laid, of a buff or greenish buff color, covered with ...
— The Bird Book • Chester A. Reed

... appearance. Hoping to find some rock or other reservoir of water, I rode over to this creature, or feature. Before reaching its foot, I came upon a small piece of open, firm, grassy ground, most beautifully variegated with many-coloured vegetation, with a small bare piece of ground in the centre, with rain water lying on it. The place was so exquisitely lovely it seemed as if only rustic garden seats were wanting, to prove that it had been laid out by the ...
— Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration • Ernest Giles

... mostly more or less rough. In places the land as far as one could see was covered with a dense growth of cardoon thistles, or wild artichoke, of a bluish or grey-green colour, while in other places the giant thistle flourished, a plant with big variegated green and white leaves, and standing when in flower six to ten ...
— Far Away and Long Ago • W. H. Hudson

... moment of the most universal vocal choir. Who can listen unmoved to the sweet love tales of our robins, told from tree to tree? or to the shrill cat birds? The sublime accents of the thrush from on high always retard my steps that I may listen to the delicious music. The variegated appearances of the dew drops, as they hang to the different objects, must present even to a clownish imagination, the most voluptuous ideas. The astonishing art which all birds display in the construction of their nests, ill provided as we may suppose them with proper tools, their neatness, ...
— Letters from an American Farmer • Hector St. John de Crevecoeur

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