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Use   /jus/  /juz/   Listen

(past & past part. used; pres. part. using)
Put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose.  Synonyms: apply, employ, utilise, utilize.  "We only use Spanish at home" , "I can't use this tool" , "Apply a magnetic field here" , "This thinking was applied to many projects" , "How do you utilize this tool?" , "I apply this rule to get good results" , "Use the plastic bags to store the food" , "He doesn't know how to use a computer"
Take or consume (regularly or habitually).  Synonym: habituate.
Use up, consume fully.  Synonym: expend.
Seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage.  "The president's wife used her good connections"
Avail oneself to.  Synonyms: apply, practice.  "Practice a religion" , "Use care when going down the stairs" , "Use your common sense" , "Practice non-violent resistance"
Habitually do something (use only in the past tense).  "I used to get sick when I ate in that dining hall" , "They used to vacation in the Bahamas"
The act of using.  Synonyms: employment, exercise, usage, utilisation, utilization.  "Skilled in the utilization of computers"
What something is used for.  Synonyms: function, purpose, role.  "Ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"
A particular service.  "Patrons have their uses"
(economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing.  Synonyms: consumption, economic consumption, usance, use of goods and services.
(psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition.  Synonym: habit.  "She had a habit twirling the ends of her hair" , "Long use had hardened him to it"
Exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage.  Synonym: manipulation.
(law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property.  Synonym: enjoyment.

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... anything more. While he held his sides and laughed, Bobby Bobolink tried to look at his own reflection in a pool of water. But so far as he could see there was nothing unusual about his suit. He was puzzled; but there was no use asking Mr. Frog any questions just then Bobby knew that he would have to wait until the silly tailor's fit of laughing ...
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... the city of Sidon is taking the people who are my subjects—a chief who is my inferior (or foe). Let the King give his countenance to his servant, and let him order his Paka (chief), and let him give the city of Huzu for waters to his servant, to take trees for our use for the dwellings. Lo! he has made war: nothing is left. In vain have they threshed corn if the King of Sidon despoils the King's land. The King of the city of Khazura (Hazor)(291) is leaving his city, and goes out with men of blood. Let the King show their borders to the hostile ...
— Egyptian Literature

... Wine so laid in will be ready for use according to its quality and age. Port wine, old in the wood, will be ready to drink in five or six months; but if it is a fruity wine, it will improve every year. Sherry, if of good quality, will be fit to drink as soon as the "sickness" (as its first ...
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... London literary society, and was busy making for himself a huge private reputation. The Christmas Day of 1758 witnessed a singular scene at the dinner table of David Garrick. Dr. Johnson, then in full vigour of his mind, and with the all-dreaded weapons of his dialectics kept burnished by daily use, was flatly contradicted by a fellow-guest some twenty years his junior, and, what is more, submitted to it without a murmur. One of the diners, Arthur Murphy, was so struck by this occurrence, ...
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